Bad Apple - Page 32

If I’ve caught Trisha in a lie, I have no freaking clue. My ignorance about Broadway musicals, not to mention most pop culture, is definitely the proverbial thorn in my side. I’ll have to look it up later. But I find it hard to believe that Trisha would magically want to cover my shift two minutes after Ben announces his plan to take me on a trip.

“So will you do it, Mags?”


“Please say yes,” she begs. “You know how much I complain about Lou never paying attention to me. Please let me have this.”

A sigh lodges in the back of my throat. Damn it. The guilt card works every time.

“Sure, of course I’ll take your shift.”

“Great! I owe you a million!”

You bet your ass you do. I hang up the phone and turn my attention back to Ben. “So,” I say slowly. “Apparently I now have the day off tomorrow.”

His features reveal nothing. “Huh. Looks like fate decided to step in.”

“Fate,” I repeat, unable to stop the mistrustful cloud swirling in my brain.

He beams at me. “So does this mean the trip is on?”

I take great pleasure in bursting his hope balloon. “Nope.”

Pop. The balloon dissolves into an annoyed glimmer. “Why the hell not?”

“I volunteer five days a week. It’s a requirement for school, remember?” I shrug. “Fridays and Saturdays are two of those days.”

His broad shoulders sag with disappointment. He looks really cute when he’s dejected, but I refuse to let that puppy-dog gaze get to me. In fact, this is a conversation I’ve had so many times, it’s almost soothing. The men in my life make demands, my schedule gets in the way, and they leave in a huff. It’s a routine now, and the one thing I always gain the most comfort from is my routine.

I soften my tone. “You could still take that trip to…wherever it is you wanted us to go.”

“I guess you’ll never know,” he mutters. For the first time since I’ve met him, he’s lost his confident aura.

The weird pang of guilt in my gut is unwelcome, so I try to ignore it by checking my voicemail. The first one is from a telemarketer, but the second message was left by my supervisor at the Broger Center.

“Maggie, it’s Gloria. I really hope you get this message before you show up for your shift tomorrow.”

An uneasy feeling climbs up my throat.

“Libby Martin, you know, the little girl with the freckles? Well, she’s come down with the chicken pox. I know you haven’t had any contact with her lately, but some of the other kids have and they’re showing symptoms too. So if you’ve never had the chicken pox, I’d advise that you don’t come in tomorrow.”

Fuck you, Fate.

“Actually, don’t come for at least a week, just to be safe. The infectious period is about five days, but chicken pox could be dangerous for adults. So stay away if you’ve never had it, kiddo. Call me to let me know.”

I listen to the soft click, and then the automated voice announces I have no other messages.

“Everything okay?” Ben asks warily. He must have noticed my bleak expression.

“Chicken pox,” I mumble.


“There’s a chicken pox outbreak at the center. My boss said if I never had it as a kid, I shouldn’t report to work for a week or so.”

“Ah. I see.” His lips begin to twitch. “So…just out of curiosity…have you ever had the chicken pox?”

I make an inaudible noise, then set my jaw so tight my teeth hurt.

“What was that?” he drawls. “I couldn’t make out your answer.”

I meet his gaze and see the amusement dancing in his striking blue eyes. “No, Ben, I’ve never had the chicken pox.”

“What a shame.” His grin breaks free. “So how long will it take you to pack?”



“Where exactly are we going?” I grumble an hour later. Ben and I are in the back of a cab headed for the airport.

“It’s a surprise,” he says mysteriously.

“Did I mention I don’t like surprises?”

“No, and mentioning it now won’t get you any answers.” He reaches over and squeezes my lower thigh, and I try to ignore the jolt of desire between my legs. “Trust me, you’ll like it. I pulled so many strings I could put the New York Philharmonic out of business.”

“That’s on you, bud. I never asked to be kidnapped.”

Ben rolls his eyes. “Shut it, Red. You agreed to come, fair and square.”

He’s right. And to be honest, I’m still confused about why I hadn’t put up more of a fight. I’m sure I could’ve come up with more excuses for why I shouldn’t leave town, but after my schedule freed up so suddenly, I caved to Ben’s pleas and packed a stupid overnight bag.

After the driver drops us off at the International terminal at La Guardia, Ben takes my bag despite my protests, slinging it over his shoulder. “Ready?”

Tags: Elle Kennedy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024