A Kiss To Remember - Page 22

‘Why, you... you... If you kiss me again,’ she hissed, ‘I’ll bite your damned tongue off.’

‘Thanks you for the warning, lover,’ he murmured through a menacing smile. ‘I’ll make sure I keep away from those pearly white teeth of yours, in that case.’

His mouth landed at the base of her throat, and Angie drew in a sharp breath when he started to suck on the fluttering flesh he found there.

Bittersweet sensations warred with her pride and self-respect. God, but she did so want to give in. That devil’s voice was back again, tempting her, tormenting her.

You love him. You want him. Let him.

Don’t think about tomorrow. Don’t think about being a virgin. Don’t think about anything.

Lance put the issue beyond question when his mouth slid down from her throat to where her breasts were rising and falling on either side of the confines of the seat belt. Pushing back the left side of her jacket, he began to lick at the already hard nipple through her dress, wetting the silk till it moulded the rock-hard peak like a second skin.

At that point he started scraping his teeth back and forth across the exquisitely sensitised tip, stopping every now and then to moisten it again with his tongue.

Angie had to bite her own tongue to stop herself from crying out, so sharp were the sensations. An electric excitement charged along her veins, heating her blood and firing her brain. When he closed his lips round the nipple, her back arched as far away from the seat as the seat belt would allow, pressing her breast further into his mouth. He obliged by drawing the entire aureole within the heated cavern beyond his lips and suckling away like a greedy infant.

It blew Angie’s mind.

‘Oh, God, Lance,’ she groaned.

He abruptly released her hands and they fell limply to her sides. His mouth stayed at her breast, even when both front seats suddenly sank from an upright position to a semi-reclining one. Angie found herself closing her eyes and sighing with surrender to whatever was going to happen. Nothing could stop her now, not even an earthquake or the eruption of a volcano.

She was the volcano, she decided dazedly. Feelings long dormant were being released, bubbling up within her, straining for release. She could feel the pressure-cooker tension behind the pleasure of the moment, feel the simmering heat which at any moment threatened to flare out of control.

He was back kissing her mouth, her eyelids, her ear, whispering erotic suggestions which sent small explosions of desire popping in her mind.

‘Yes,’ she whispered back blindly. ‘Yes, please.’ Only to wonder immediately what she’d agreed to, what she’d begged for.

She seemed to have the answer when his hands moved up under her skirt to begin peeling off her tights. She even lifted her buttocks to help him. Soon her shoes were gone and her tights were draped over the dashboard and she was naked under her dress. When his hands slid slowly back up her naked legs, taking her dress with them, she was beside herself with excitement. Any second now... Any second ...

But he didn’t touch her where she was dying for him to touch her; his hands lingered tantalisingly on her thighs, caressing her softly trembling skin, stroking the outside from hip to knee in long, teasing sweeps till she couldn’t stand it any longer. Her legs moved restlessly apart, showing him what she wanted.

And he obliged.

Dear God, how he obliged!

Angie could not believe she was allowing him to do what he was doing. But, oh... the heaven of it all. Her breathing quickened. Her heartbeat soared. Everything in her seemed to be rushing upwards, yet inwards at the same time. She moaned under the spiral of wild pleasure, her hands finding his hair, twisting it in her fingers, till finally she wrenched his head up and away from her burning, bursting body.

‘No!’ she cried, not at all sure what she was saying no to, except that it was all too much—too intense, too frightening.

‘It’s all right,’ he reassured her huskily. ‘I was just about to stop. That’s not what I want at all, either.’

Angie lay there, staring with wide eyes up at him while he struggled to manoeuvre himself to her side of the car and crouch between her legs. He didn’t undress properly but he did protect them both, undoubtedly with what he’d pocketed earlier.

Tags: Miranda Lee Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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