Goddess of Spring (Goddess Summoning 2) - Page 16

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just so intrigued with the gorgeous... uh... chandeliers." Lina realized she was babbling, but she couldn't seem to make her mouth stop. "They're so unusual. My breath has been taken away by the beauty of the palace."

Iapis inclined his head in acknowledgment of her compliment, neatly ignoring the fact that her cheeks had suddenly become flushed.

"Hades designed the chandeliers himself."

"Real y?" Now she was intrigued.

Iapis motioned for her to precede him down the long hal to their right. Lina walked slowly, and Eurydice stayed close to her side. The servant's voice took on a professorial tone as he walked and talked.

"Indeed. Hades has overseen each aspect of the creation of his palace and the surrounding grounds. There was no detail too minute for my Lord's attention; nothing that was beneath his notice. He has an artist's eye for color and surface, and a fine sense of design. The Palace of Hades is a monument to the God of the Underworld."

Lina pondered lapis' words. So the stern, brooding, non-sexual, mortal-tear-loving God of the Underworld had fashioned the marvels that surrounded her. He had an artist's eye and a fine sense of design. Could a passionless, boring god have created such exquisite beauty with loving attention to detail? She didn't know about immortals, but she did have a mature woman's knowledge of mortal men, and she couldn't imagine a passionless man being capable of such an amazing creation.

"I like the flowers that are carved into the wal s," Eurydice said, shyly pointing to the crown molding that framed each window and arched doorway under which they passed.

"Yes, Hades is quite fond of the narcissus flower, and has added it to much of the palace detailing." Iapis smiled at the little spirit.

"I'm sorry, seems I've forgotten al my manners today," Lina said. "Iapis, this is my friend" - she paused at the girl's sharp intake of breath when she used the word friend and gave her a fond look

- "Eurydice."

Iapis stopped to bow to the girl. Eurydice responded with a graceful curtsy.

"I wil be taking care of Persephone," Eurydice said, surprising Lina with the determination in her voice.

"I am quite sure that you wil do an admirable job," Iapis said patiently. "Perhaps we should meet daily so that you can keep me informed of your Goddess's needs."

"Yes, I like that idea," Eurydice said.

Lina kept quiet. She didn't want to tarnish the happy expression on Eurydice's face. Like it or not, she had definitely acquired a keeper.

"Shal we go on, Goddess ?"

Lina nodded and continued down the spacious hal her right, the wal of windows afforded a wonderful view the palace's courtyard. She'd already lost count of the number of rooms that branched off to her left, but she had caught glimpses of ornately appointed chambers and an occasional semi-transparent form as it glided around a corner.

Yes, the beautiful Palace of Hades would certainly qualify as a haunted castle. Lina thought about al of the A&E Specials she'd watched over the years: "Haunted Hotels of Europe," "The Top 10

Most Haunted Mansions," "A&E's Haunted Bed and Breakfast List." Another spirit-like figure flitted past the edge of her vision. The Arts & Entertainment Channel would truly loves this place. Iapis guided them down the seemingly endless hal . They made several turns, and Lina felt total y lost. Final y, they came to a halt in front of a large door that was covered with silver overlay fashioned in the form of a blooming narcissus.

"Persephone, this wil be your chamber," Iapis an nounced.

As with Hades, the door opened without the need for Iapis to touch the silver handle. The sweet smel of blooming flowers welcomed Lina as she stepped into the chamber. Large arrangements of moon-colored bouquets standing in crystal vases dotted the opulent room. One wal had floor-to-ceiling windows which opened out onto a spacious marble balcony. Creamcolored velvet drapes were tied back with thick silver ropes so that the view of the rear grounds was spectacular. A fire crackled cheerful y in a man-sized fireplace. Several wardrobes of dark wood stood against another wal , divided by an impressive dressing table, which was laden with al sorts of women's toilette items. But what drew Lina's attention was the huge canopied bed. It was the most magnificent piece of furniture she had ever seen. The linens matched the velvet drapes and were exquisitely decorated with silver embroidery. The curtains of the canopy were a pale color that reminded Lina of fog - almost insubstantial in their diaphanous delicacy.

"Your bathing chamber is through that door, Goddess." Iapis said, pointing to another, smal er version, of the silver-encrusted entry door. "I have had your clothing and other items put away. Please let me know if al is not to your liking."

"I'm sure everything wil be wonderful. Thank you, Iapis. This is an amazing room." Iapis bowed. "I simply fol owed my Lord's instructions. When he received word from Demeter that you would be sojourning within his realm he ordered this chamber be prepared for you."

"But if there is something the Goddess needs, she wil inform me and I wil pass that along to you," Eurydice interposed quickly.

"Of course, Eurydice. I wil always defer to your knowledge of Persephone's needs." Lina noticed how neatly Iapis covered his chuckle, clearing his throat and making his voice sound sincere and serious. He real y was very kind, Lina realized. She smiled her thanks to him and he inclined his head discreetly in acknowledgment.

"Goddess, wil you need assistance in dressing?" Iapis asked.

"Oh, no!" Lina answered hastily, aware of the fact that Eurydice's mouth had already opened. "I can manage just fine on my own. At least this one time." She added, noting Eurydice's disappointed look.

"Very wel , Goddess. When you have freshened, you need only speak my name and I wil escort you to Hades."

Lina nodded and smiled like that was how she usual y summoned people.

"Until then, Goddess, I wil leave you to your privacy." He bowed neatly to Lina. "Eurydice, your chamber is just down the hal . Shal I show you there?"

The girl looked nervous and Lina patted her arm reassuringly.

"Go on. I'l be fine. If I need you I can cal you," Lina said, without thinking.

"Of course, if your Goddess requires your aid she need only summon you with a word," Iapis said. Lina breathed a sigh of relief that her slip in wording hadn't been obvious. She'd meant cal her, like with a cel phone.

"Wel , if you are sure you do not need me," Eurydice said.

"Yes, yes, I'l be fine. You go settle into your room," Lina assured her.

"You wil summon me if you have need?"

"Yes, child, yes," Lina said, trying to be patient. Al she real y wanted was a chance to be alone and to col ect her thoughts.

"Come, Eurydice," Iapis told the girl, which was the final push she needed to make her leave the room.

Lina could hear them discussing "Persephone's needs" as the thick door swung closed of its own accord. She almost said "I need a drink" aloud, but she was afraid either or both of them would rush back to complete her request.

Tags: P. C. Cast Goddess Summoning Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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