Crave (The Gibson Boys 3) - Page 113

It’s been a week since Nana was released from the hospital. The ten days she was admitted was one of the most interesting experiences of my life. I’ve never seen anything like it.

One of her grandchildren was always with her. No one complained or couldn’t make it, not one of them ever bailed. The four of them traded off with the expertise of a well-oiled machine with this woman in the center.

Mariah, Sienna, and I stayed too when Blaire left. She had a big case in Chicago and had to leave after a couple of days. Seeing Blaire, this gorgeous, powerful woman, break down in tears beside Nana’s bed was a scene I’ll never forget. The love and acceptance are something I’ve always wanted, the feeling of being together through thick and thin. Having them accept me into the fold makes me feel like I’m walking in the clouds.

“Peck, will you say grace?” Nana asks.

Machlan takes my hand and holds it under the table as Peck says grace. I watch him out of the corner of my eye during the prayer. His eyes are closed, a silent prayer of his own going up to the man upstairs. It fills me with a warmth I can’t explain.

Hands reach for spoons, Nana dishing out instructions to add more butter here and to give the baked beans a final stir.

I catch Machlan watching me. He raises a brow, and I nod.

“Hey,” he says over the chaos of the table. “Had and I have something we want to say.”

Everything quiets. All eyes shift to Mach.

“Hadley and I have decided something,” he says. He nudges me with a mischievous grin. “You tell them.”

“We’re getting married,” I say.

I bow my head as everyone celebrates, a mixture of clapping and cheering with a few jabs thrown in from Peck. My heart threatens to explode at the happiness everyone shows for us. When I finally look up, I see Nana.

She’s wiping her eyes with a napkin, wearing the sweetest, softest grin on her face. She reaches for Machlan, and he takes her hand.

“Hadley, sweetheart, I can’t tell you how happy this makes this old lady,” Nana says. “I love you, little girl.”

“I love you, Nana,” I say.

This shouldn’t make me want to cry, but it does. No one has said they love me except my brother, and Machlan as of late, since I was in high school. To hear her say it makes my lips tremble.

“We’re going to elope,” Machlan jokes to take the attention off me.

Nana taps the top of his hand and gives him a no-nonsense look. “I’ll hear none of that,” she says. “I’ve put up with you all these years, and you aren’t cutting me out of the good part now.”

“He’s kidding, Nana,” I say.

“Good. Because if you let them elope, we’re eloping,” Lance says. “I mean, we even have a good excuse.”

There’s something about the way he says it that has everyone looking at him.

Mariah smacks Lance’s shoulder. He must’ve put his foot in his mouth because his eyes go wide. Mariah casts him a glare that really doesn’t look mean before setting her fork next to her plate.

“Everyone,” Mariah says, clearing her throat. “We’re going to adopt a baby.”

“Oh, dear sweet Jesus,” Nana says, clutching her chest. “Are you really?”

“We are,” Lance says. “We’ve been going through the process for a while. It’ll help things if we’re married, which is why we floated the idea of eloping.”

“I still don’t like it,” Nana says, “but if it speeds things up, maybe we can do something here. Would you be up for that?”

Mariah beams. “Nana, I just want to be his wife. We can do it in your kitchen if that works. It doesn’t matter to me.”

“You come here and hug me,” Nana says.

“I really hope you and Sienna will help me get a nursery together, Hadley. I have no idea what I’m doing, and I need some help.” She smiles at me across the table. “I don’t know the first thing about this, and I’m so nervous.”

“Of course,” I say. “I’d love to.”

Sienna carries on about a designer she knows. Machlan wraps an arm around my shoulders.

“You okay?” he whispers. “With the nursery thing?”

I nod, looking into his eyes. “I am. I’m really happy for them.”

Nana sniffles. “You kids are gonna make sure I have another heart attack, aren’t you?”

“Not funny,” Walker and Machlan say at the same time.

She dabs at her eyes again. “Two weddings and a baby. Walker, what do you have for me?”

“Oh, that’s not putting him on the spot.” Peck snorts.

Walker’s chest puffs out like a peacock. “Well, since you asked so nicely.” He grins. “Sienna just got a huge contract for designing gowns for a bridal company.”

“That’s amazing,” I say. “I didn’t know you did that!”

“She can design anything,” Walker beams.

Tags: Adriana Locke The Gibson Boys Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024