Crave (The Gibson Boys 3) - Page 72

She punches me in the stomach and laughs, getting to her feet. “I hate you.” She laughs in what I think is relief. “I hate you so much.”

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes. You know I know how to prune rose bushes.” Her hair wobbles as she reaches for her plate.

I don’t know what it is about this moment that does it, but I can’t help myself. I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her into my chest. She gasps but doesn’t fight it. Every place her body touches mine lights up. Her eyes do the same as they meet mine with a hopeful anticipation.

I could say something funny here and let her go, and nothing would be worse for wear. But we’re going for what feels right, and nothing feels more right than her in my arms.

If it bites me in the ass later, then it does.

I touch my lips to hers. We melt together in perfect sync, retracing the steps of a dance we perfected years ago. Her lips are soft, her breath sweet, and her hands perfect as they rest on my chest.

I break it way before I want to. The smacking sound sings through the room just like in the movies. She watches me back away, the smile on her face matching mine.

“I’m gonna get a shower,” I say, adjusting my cock as discreetly as I can. “I’ll clean this up if you leave it.”

She doesn’t stop grinning. “I’ll get it. I need to call Emily and cancel our plans for today, so I’ll do it while I talk to her.”

“Fine,” I say.

“Fine,” she says.

As I walk by her, we both laugh.



“There you are. It’s about time you showed up.” Nana waves a spoon in my direction. “I was just saying if you didn’t get here in a few minutes, I was sending Lance after you.”

“Lance? Come on, Nana. At least send Walker. Make it worth my while.”

“Hey, fuc—dge you,” Lance says as he scoops up part of my favorite cheeseball on a cracker. “I caught myself, Nana. I don’t want to hear it.”

“You boys.” Turning to me again, she starts to speak but stops when she sees Hadley beside me. She looks at Hadley, then at me, before stalking toward her like a madwoman. “Oh, Hadley. It’s so good to see you, sweetheart. Come give me a hug.”

Hadley envelops my little grandmother in her arms. She holds her tight, much the same way I do. Much the same way I hug both of them.

I’m pretty sure Hadley stops and sees Nana when she visits town, making sure to avoid me most of the time. They’ve been close since I brought Hadley here for one of Nana’s famous tonics when she was sick in high school. Nana can do no wrong in Had’s eyes. Hadley is Nana’s favorite, besides Walker. Me? I’m just happy to see the two of them in the same room as me.

My cheeks ache as I grin, watching them chat about Nana’s fried chicken. I don’t dare look at Lance. He’ll laugh at me, for sure, but there’s nothing I can do. Seeing these two together makes me a pussy.

“Don’t start,” I say to my eldest brother. “And give me the cheeseball.”

“I’ll share, but you can’t have it.”

“There’s another in the fridge, you two,” Nana says, releasing Hadley. “But don’t get it out until Peck gets here.”

“Forget Peck.” Lance points at himself proudly. “Did you hear that? I didn’t even almost say fuck. I’m learning. All those years of riding my ass worked.”

“Until you just said ass,” I point out before a load of cheeseball goes in my mouth. “Where’s the golden boy?”

“Who?” Nana asks.

“You know. Walker. The favorite,” I say.

“I don’t have favorites, Machlan.”

“Yes, you do,” Lance says. “You’ve always liked Walker most. But that’s okay. Parents always like the dumbest child most. It’s why everyone likes Peck.”

Hadley comes up to my side. Her fingers drag across the small of my back. She doesn’t look at me or acknowledge that she did it, nor does it feel like a sexual invitation. It’s more intimate, like she’s acknowledging I’m here, and she’s here, and we’re here together. And I’m not sure what to do with that.

“Actually,” Hadley says, “everyone likes Peck because he’s nice. Hi, Lance.”

“Everyone likes Peck because they feel sorry for him. Hi, Had.”

They exchange a smile.

“Where is he?” I ask.

Lance rolls his eyes. “That’s why she was going to send me to get you. Walker is with Sienna, taking her family back to the airport.”

“Aren’t they loaded?” I ask. “Why wouldn’t they just rent a car?”

“They did, but Sienna, Camilla, and Mariah went shopping yesterday, and I guess it was a tight fit with the bags or something.” Lance looks up at Hadley. “Mariah’s home sick today. I know she’s been looking forward to meeting you.”

Tags: Adriana Locke The Gibson Boys Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024