Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 60

“You were looking at him the whole time during the movie.”

“I wasn’t.”

“Stop lying, bitch!”

“Don’t call me that!”

Fuck. That’s them.

I shut off the flashlight, closed the box, and shut the office door with me inside the room. I couldn’t leave the space, since they were coming inside the house. They would catch me running across the living room.

Okay. What’s next?

I rushed with putting the flashlight in my book bag, pulled out the Glock from my waist, and held it in my hand. If Wyatt came in the office, then it would be the last time he would breathe.

I didn’t know what I would do with Selena. There was no way I couldn’t kill her. The idea of it made me uneasy. She was just as much of a victim as Ebony. Just because she had bad taste in men, didn’t mean she deserved to show up at her house, and get shot.

Keys jangled.

The front door screeched open.

“I swear,” she cried. “I wasn’t flirting.”

“Get the fuck out of my face, you’ve already pissed me off.” Wyatt’s voice sounded closer.

I aimed the Glock at the office’s door. Soon as he opened it wider than nine millimeters I would fire. Until then, I would wait.

Wyatt yelled, “In fact, go upstairs!”

“Why do I—”

“You’re nothing, but a whore. Get out of my face, before I fucking make you!”

More crying came, but I heard footsteps head away.

With the Glock ready to fire, I stood still. If he opened the door, I would have it in his mouth within seconds.

Too bad, I didn’t have a silencer. She went upstairs. Now if I shoot him, she’ll hear it.

I listened hard. Focused on every tiny sound. The background rush of the heating system built to a roar in my ears. My breathing was deafening. Meanwhile, nothing sounded from above. Then the footsteps started again.

They were heading for the stairs. A creak came from the staircase.

Wyatt’s voice roared above me. “What the hell did you do with my pain pills?”

Sorry, Selena.

“What?!” She yelled. “I didn’t do anything.”

“They’re all gone.”

“Just take one of my—”

“I’m not taking that shit. You fucking druggie bitch.”

They’re upstairs. Good.

Quickly, I opened the door, closed it, and slipped away.

Selena whined, “Don’t you talk to me like that. I’ll call the police.”

“Oh yeah.” Wyatt’s voice boomed from upstairs. “And I’ll tell them about the pills you steal from all the elderly you watch.”

“You shut your mouth!”

With the Glock in the air, I crept across the living room.

Wyatt roared back. “I’ll say whatever the fuck I want.”

“No wonder she left you. You’re mean and now you can’t even get it up.”

A boom came like he slapped her.

She screamed.

“Wait, baby.” Wyatt’s voice calmed, but not by much. “Wait. I’m sorry.”

“Get out! I swear. I’ll call the cops.”

“Hey. You made me do it. If you would just stop playing around and hiding my pills. Where are they?”

“I didn’t hide them!”

I got to the back door, opened it, and left.

I could hear their arguing outside, but the words were muffled. I lowered the Glock at my side, not wanting any neighbors to catch sight of it, just in case they peeked out their windows. Moving through the shadows, I left the backyard, hurried across the street, got into my truck, started it, and drove away.

That was close. Too bad you came back with Selena. Should’ve came back by yourself.

I yanked the face mask off and slung it on the passenger seat.

I wish I knew which one was his car. If they hadn’t got back so fast, I could’ve gotten rid of it.

I dug my hands into my pocket, pulled out my phone, and quickly texted Ebony.

ME: I’m heading home. Everything is fine.

The phone rang.

I answered, “Hello?”

Ebony’s sweet voice came on the line. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Jesus Christ!”

“I’ll be there soon.” I spotted a cop car rounding the corner. “I should get off the phone. I’ll talk to you, when I get home, but everything’s fine.”

“Okay. Hurry, and be safe.”

The cop car got behind me.

“I’ll talk to you later.” I hung up and maintained the appropriate speed. It wouldn’t be good, if a cop stopped me now. The black face mask would look suspicious in the passenger seat. In my bag, I had Wyatt’s guns. He could’ve had all types of bodies attached to it.

My heart boomed in my ears.

Six blocks later, the cop turned off.

Sighing, I turned on the highway and headed home. But the cop being behind me gave me a good idea, I called Kevin.

He answered. Rock and roll music sounded from his side. He must’ve been in the Titty Palace. “Hey, Yo-yo.”

“Do me a favor, please.”


“You still have that burner phone?”

“I have a few now.”

“Call the California cops and give them the address for Wyatt. Let them know that their suspect is at that Vancouver location.”

“Got you, but why are you suddenly against this Wyatt guy. You never gave me the background.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024