Dirty Hearts: Interracial Russian Mafia Romance - Page 35

“That’s a stupid rule.” I pulled out some plates.

Xavier returned to cutting. “I don’t make the rules, Em.”

Kazimir disrupted my thoughts. “Are you okay?”

My stomach twisted. “Yes. I’m fine.”

“Don’t worry about him.” Kazimir gestured to the general still seething outside the plane. “I plan on teaching a lot of lessons this week.”

Let’s just hope the general doesn’t have a New York state of mind. I would hate to have to kill him.

Chapter 9


Emily fell asleep in her seat. Fighting a giant would do that to a person.

Gently, I took my time unbuckling her and then carrying my mouse into the master suite.

Will Zahkar find this man before we get back?

I’d bought him as much time as I could. Hopefully, there was someone for her to kill when we returned.

She lay next to me in bed with her eyes closed and her warm frame nuzzled against mine. Earlier, she’d been asking about Russia and the government. I could tell my slapping the general had affected her. It hadn’t been intentional. I’d just become so enraged. Couldn’t I get one quiet week with my mouse without someone bothering me?

Already, my enemies had gone into hiding. I still couldn’t identify them all, but many had gone silent. Especially the ones that tended to be the most annoying—the Yakuza in Japan and Corsican in France.

Did any of you help Sasha go against me?

It didn’t matter, if they did. With my mouse and I united, all would crumble. I just had to show her my way. It would take time.

But how much time do we have?

So many things tornadoed through my head. It was good that we hovered above the world. At times, the sky was the safest place for us.

And what else should I be worried about?

I slipped my hand over Emily’s stomach, making sure not to wake her.

Are you pregnant, mysh?

I grinned at the possibility.

I had no idea if enough time had gone by to tell. I’d never tried to put a baby in a woman before. Most of the time, I used a condom, unless she was a longtime fuck toy. But with Emily, I’d broken a lot of rules. I’d gone raw by the second time of entering her, needing to feel that pussy slip along my cock. And when it was time to bust, to shoot inside her, to fill her with me, I couldn’t stop it. I craved it. I became addicted to it, anxious with the idea of trapping and bonding her to my soul through way of our child.

Could you be with child?

If she was, then my strategy would have to change for the future. If she carried my child, she couldn’t stand next to me. I would have to be in front of her, protecting and keeping her and our child safe.

She would have to stand down. Would she understand?

Pressure filled my chest. My head said she would. My heart argued I wouldn’t be able to enforce it.

What would she do if she found out she was pregnant? Would she settle down?

I closed my eyes.

A visual of Emily played in my head. She was pregnant, holding guns in both hands, and racing through the street. As much as I tried to get rid of the visual, it continued to show like a movie.

“Fuck,” I muttered in Russian.

She stirred and rolled over. “What’s wrong?”

Now’s not the time to discuss this. We don’t even know if she’s pregnant. Why am I so excited by it?

She rubbed her eyes. “Kaz?”

“Yes, mysh.”

“What are you cursing about?”

“Now’s not the time.”

“Then when is?”

“You’ll know.” I stopped her response with a kiss. “Did you get a good rest?”

“I can’t believe I fell asleep.”

“You were asking me about Moscow power structure. Of course you fell asleep.”

“I found it interesting.”

“It’s not.” I slipped my fingers along her frame.

“You look worried.”

Already, she knew my facial expressions.

I attempted to wipe the stress off my face. “Do I?”


“Are there any other enemies I should know about it?”

She still thinks she’s my bodyguard. Would that change once she’s pregnant? Would she put the gun away?

I studied her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Are you aware that I can take care of myself?”

She widened her eyes. “I am, but no one can do it better than me.”

I chuckled.

She frowned.

I straightened my face. “Fine. You may have a point.”

“We’re done with Luka, Sasha, Darryl. Is there anyone else? Who should I watch out for?”

“Anybody that’s not us.” I nipped at her lips.

She leaned away. “And who’s that?”

“Japanese. French. I’m sure the Italians are tired of me too. Sometimes it can be lonely being at the top.”

“I could send my people to Japan—”

“Nyet. The leader of the Japanese mafia is a slimy bastard. Kenji. He calls himself, ‘The Dragon.’ He’s more like a lizard with no fire.”

“But is he a threat?”

“Only if I let him be.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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