An Unlikely Deal (Lucas & Ava) - Page 82

I take her hand. “Since I couldn’t take you out for breakfast, I want to take you for that drive instead.”

Darcy’s mouth immediately flattens. But Ray says, “Of course.”

Worry and apprehension cloud his eyes, and I know that he still doesn’t quite approve of me. I mentally shrug away his concerns. I have Ava. That’s all that matters.

Chapter Twenty-Six


We drive for a good three hours in Lucas’s Mercedes. Before leaving I told Darcy I probably wouldn’t be back for the picnic, and she agreed to take a rain check.

Lucas picks scenic routes through the valleys and fields. Trees are in various stages of change—their leaves transforming from vibrant, lush green to deep yellow, red and every shade in between.

The sun sits high in the impossibly blue sky, and I stretch my arms over my head, loving the warmth coming through the sunroof. The sound system plays a bright classical tune by Mozart.

“How far are we going?” I ask after a while.

“As far as we can.”

I glance at his profile. He looks outside, his shades reflecting the changing scenery. The wind ruffles his hair.

I reach over and tuck an errant strand back behind his ear. “Are you kidnapping me?” My tone is whimsical.

“What if I am?” The question is conversational and surprisingly casual despite the sudden weight behind each word.

I run my thumb along the shell of his ear. “I’d say drive faster.”

His mouth curves into a crooked smile. He takes my hand and kisses the knuckles, his lips taking their sweet time.

I shiver. It’s been less than twenty-four hours since we’ve been apart, but from the way I long for him, it might as well have been weeks. It isn’t just his body that I want but the closeness, the intimacy when we’re together…just the two of us.

Finally he pulls over by a field with a small lake in the center and we get out. The breeze trails fingers along the surface, creating small ripples I watch until they’re lost in the reflected sun. Trees rustle, a few red and yellow leaves twirling away like dancing fairies.

“It’s beautiful,” I whisper, afraid to break the moment.

Placing his sunglasses in his shirt pocket, Lucas cups my cheek. “Made more beautiful by your presence.”

The wind whips by, lifting the hair that covers his scar. I cradle his face, my bare fingers touching the raised white tissue. He flinches, but doesn’t pull back. I rise on my toes and kiss him on the mouth. “Made perfect by your presence.”

He perches his butt against the hood of his Mercedes and pulls me between his legs. “Every day you destroy more of my walls.”

“I want nothing between us.”

Even as the words slip from my lips, I feel like a fraud. I still haven’t told him about Mia.

Tell him. He’ll understand.

He’s seen Ray and Darcy are good people, protective and fully capable of taking care of the child we created two years ago. If he wants to be part of Mia’s life, surely he wouldn’t be so vindictive as to try to take her away from them.

I open my mouth, and suddenly a low growl stops me.

“What’s that?”

He winces. “My belly.”

“Didn’t you eat enough?”

“It was a little difficult with Darcy watching me like she wanted to gut me and use my intestines for garters.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024