The Billionaire's Secret Wife - Page 76

e would judge her. And Vanessa didn’t think she was going to measure up.

* * *

“I like her,” Blanche announced, while she watched Justin scrub the pan she’d used for the lamb chops. “She’s smart…quiet, too. Thought she’d be more vivacious.”

Justin looked at her. “Why?”

“Never known an attorney who didn’t like to talk” She mused while munching on a stick of celery. “Maybe it’s the pregnancy. I know how tired I was when I was expecting. No wonder she went to bed early.”

“Must be,” Justin agreed, bending to his work.

The dinner had been great—his mother’s lamb chops were fabulous as usual—but Vanessa hadn’t said or eaten much. Thankfully he was able to fill the silence with stories about their acquaintances and friends and family. Maybe Vanessa was just nervous. Understandable—if his experience with family dinners had been anything like hers, he would’ve been nervous too. And then there was the unfinished business with Peggy. It had to be weighing on Vanessa’s mind, especially after Salazar’s bombshell announcement. Fortunately, she was taking another nap on the living room couch.

He rinsed the pan and dried it. Blanche was old and frail now, but she didn’t want to have a housekeeper around even though he’d offered to pay for one.

“So tell me about Ceinlys,” Blanche said, starting the coffee machine. It gurgled. “I didn’t want to ask right in front of Vanessa, but is she really divorcing Salazar?”

“Yes. It’s true.”

“My land. I can’t believe it. They were meant to be together forever, even with all those mistresses of his.”

“Everyone thought that.”

“What changed?”

He shrugged. “I have no idea. Iain might know, but he didn’t say.”

“Well, no need to probe. I just hope it’s not too stressful for the kids, especially your lady out there. Stress is terrible for pregnant women. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this, but be extra gentle with her. Pregnancy hormones are brutal.” Blanche frowned. “I hope she can take some decent time off work. Lawyers work too much.”

“Don’t worry. She’s on a special case at the firm.”

“Really?” Blanche cocked her head, and Justin cursed inwardly. He never had been able to put anything past his mother. “Would that have anything to do with you?”

“Well.” Justin cleared his throat. “It might.”

“Justin. Does she know?”

“No, and she doesn’t need to. It’s not like it’s going to affect her career there. This was during the time she wanted to keep our relationship quiet and secretive.”

“Weren’t you already married at that point?”

“Yes, but it didn’t matter. She didn’t want anyone to know we were a couple.”

“How very odd,” Blanche spoke slowly. “Did she tell you why?”

“Something about wanting a partnership on her own merit, not based on who she’s married to.”

“Do you believe that?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Your Aunt Annabella is a lawyer, and it took her thirteen years to make partner, and you know how smart she is.”

Justin nodded. Not just smart, Annabella had graduated from Yale Law with honors.

“Vanessa’s a bit too young—she’s been with the firm for, what, about ten years?”


Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024