The Billionaire's Secret Wife - Page 49

“He wasn’t.”

“I see that. This is awesome.”

“Thank you,” Vanessa said through rubbery lips. She stood at her window, not really seeing the view.

There was a beat of silence. “You don’t sound so good. Are you still shocked about the accident?”

Vanessa made a non-committal noise.

“We’ve got to meet and chat. I never pegged Justin for the impulsive elopement type.” Then Kerri added, “You either, for that matter. But this is so romantic.”

Romantic? “There’s nothing to tell, really.” It had been about the baby. The heir. Saccharine I love yous had never been exchanged.

“You don’t expect me to believe that, do you? Listen, I gotta go, but we’re definitely meeting up sometime soon. Barron said it was a secret elopement, but now that it’s out, I’m sure your parents will want to chat.”

Kerri hung up as Vanessa bit back a groan. Damn it. It wasn’t just her parents, but her brothers who’d descend upon her. Shane might even call, for news this big.

Two knocks and her door opened. Zoe stuck her head in. “Hey, is it true you’re married to Justin Sterling?”

“Where did you hear that?”

“Everyone’s talking about it.”

She sighed. Apparently, gossip was the only thing in the universe that traveled faster than light. “Yes, it’s true.”

“Wow. No wonder you almost fainted yesterday.” Zoe flushed. “I wish I’d known. I would have phrased things a little differently.”

“It wasn’t your fault. We were trying to keep it quiet.”

“Still, it’s so romantic. Young love. Did you elope in Vegas?”

Vanessa shook her head. “Canada.”

“Huh. I had no idea Canada was an elopement destination.”

“We’re just crazy iconoclasts. Um, would you mind closing the door? I have a few things I need to wrap up. And if anybody calls, I’m not in.”

“Sure. By the way, Sandra said you have the next two weeks off. She wanted me to remind you.”

“Of course,” Vanessa said, trying not to kick her desk. Sandra was Harry Dickson’s secretary. Harry would’ve never given her that many days off if she’d asked, but since Barron had practically demanded it… “Thanks.”

Vanessa sat down. Her phone rang again, and she turned it off. So many emotions were roiling…and she wanted to throttle Justin for the mess in her office! How could he have let Barron know? Her husband had all the finesse of an elephant in heat.

She would’ve preferred to announce their marriage in a way that would minimize the disruption to both of their lives. Now, with everyone whispering about it everywhere, that was impossible.

Don’t be ungrateful. You would’ve given anything to have Justin alive just a day ago. You got your wish. Don’t get angry over something Barron’s done. Justin might not have had anything to do with it.

She closed her eyes and dragged in some air. Maybe it would be good for her to take some time off, talk with family, and figure out her next steps. This was just a minor hiccup in her life. Besides the firm was already making it clear she wouldn’t have made partner anyway. What did it matter if everyone knew she was a Sterling now? Her career was effectively over.

She turned the phone back on and called Iain and Mark first. Neither picked up—they were generally busy—so she left them both a message, letting them know she was married to Justin Sterling.

Dane, on the other hand, had an assistant who was a news and gossip magnet and superb at reading situations. She instantly connected Vanessa to him.

“Make it short; I’m in a meeting,” Dane said.

Vanessa sighed. Work before family—her oldest brother’s MO. “I got married.”

A stunned silence, then he said, “To whom?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024