The Billionaire's Secret Wife - Page 22

Justin pulled out his phone and started typing instructions for his lawyers. Two of the newer associates were coming to join them, but Justin didn’t want to discuss what he was about to do with them. Ken Honishi, one of the senior partners at the firm, would be a better choice to take care of the matter.

Vanessa would probably blow a gasket when she found out, but he wanted her to know he was dead serious about this marriage even if she seemed unsure.

Thirty minutes later, he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “We need to get going.”

Startled, she blinked. “Mm?”

“We’re here.”

“Oh.” She sat up, smoothing her hair. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

“Probably needed the rest.” He looked at her belly meaningfully. “Want to get going?”

“Yeah, sure.” She got up with care, and they exited the plane together. A gleaming black stretch limo with dark tinted windows waited for them outside.

“You’ve thought of everything,” she said.

“Wanted to make sure you’ll be comfortable.”

They climbed into the limo. Vanessa settled in the luxurious interior as the driver pulled away from the airport and sighed softly. “So. Are you going to tell me where we are?”


She jerked her head back. “Seriously?”

“We’re about to get married over Niagara Falls.”

* * *

Vanessa blinked, unsure if she’d heard him correctly. She’d known they weren’t in Vegas—the air was too moist—but this? “There are too many people here. I wasn’t kidding about keeping this quiet.”

“Relax. We’ll be getting married in a helicopter while it’s flying over the falls. I’ve already arranged for it, and a minister’s ready as soon as we pick up the marriage license. There will be only two witnesses—junior associates from a law firm on Sterling & Wilson’s retainer. They won’t talk unless they want to be fired and sued.”

Her lips parted. Justin had been busy, thinking of everything. Sterling & Wilson’s lawyers wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize their retainer.

“This is the best I could arrange on short notic

e. I know it’s nobody’s dream wedding, but we can have a real, grand ceremony later after the baby.” He pulled out a dark navy box and took her left hand. Inside the box was a diamond ring. The simple platinum setting showed off the size and superior cut and clarity of the stone surrounded by smaller sapphires the exact color of her eyes. “For the engagement. I wanted to get something custom designed, but there wasn’t enough time.”

“It’s perfect,” she whispered as a sudden lump formed in her throat.

He put the ring on her finger and kissed her knuckles. The sparkling gem made it seem so much more real. She was really getting married.

Her mother had a similar piece in her jewelry box, although the stone types were reversed—a huge sapphire in the center surrounded by small diamonds. It was her engagement ring, which she hadn’t worn in ages. Vanessa knew her father had proposed in the most romantic setting he could manage and professed undying love. She’d seen his letters.

My love for you will never die. So long as you love me, we’ll be happy and together till death do us part. Ceinlys, I know you’re worried about my mother’s reaction, but it isn’t her life, it’s ours. Will you take a chance? I’ll make you the happiest woman in the world forever and ever.


She jerked her chin up and looked at Justin’s frowning face. “Sorry. I sort of zoned out.”

Justin’s frown melted into an ironically skewed smile. “Is the rock disappointing?”

She smacked his arm. “No! It’s so big, it’s almost vulgar.”

“I was going to get a four-carat stone, but I thought it would look wrong on you.” He traced her ring finger. “Your hands are so delicate…you need something simple, elegant and graceful.”

She licked her lower lip. His words seeped all the way to her bones in syrupy sweetness, and her mind shivered with longing and a sliver of fear.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024