An Improper Ever After (Elliot & Annabelle 3) - Page 63

Traci gestures at a room at the end of the hall. “That’s my roommate’s, so don’t go in. She’s a little weird about it.”

“Is she going to be okay with me coming here like this?” My old roommate Caroline hated it when Nonny brought someone over.

“Don’t worry. She’s out of town this week.”

I relax and take a seat on the couch, placing my purse on the floor. Traci brings out two miniature cartons of caramel-and-fudge ice cream. “Ta da,” she says. “Anything to drink?”

“Maybe just iced tea or juice? I need to drive home, and I’m a lightweight.”

“You can’t be that bad. You went to a party school.”

I cringe. “I got a big, fat F in Party 101.”

“Very funny. I can’t imagine you getting an F in anything. You were one of the smartest kids in high school.” Still, she hands me a glass of sweetened iced tea and pours herself some white wine. She plops down on the sectional and kicks off her shoes.

I take a few sips of the tea, which is a little too sweet. The ice cream is extra rich, and it’s difficult for me to eat much of it. Traci, on the other hand, doesn’t seem bothered. She digs into hers with gusto.

We chat. She tells me all about her plans, places she wants to go and things she wants to do. “I’m not going to be an assistant forever, you know.”

“You won’t. You’re too smart to not be in charge one day.”

“Exactly. And if that doesn’t work, I can always get myself a sugar daddy.”

My jaw drops. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. Why do you think I work at OWM? It’s got tons of guys who are making amazing money. And a lot of them aren’t that old.”

“But…” I blink as my mind struggles to reconcile what she just told me and what I know about her crush on Gavin, who happens to be very happily married. “Uh… Any special candidate?”

“Nah. Just enjoying myself for now, but I’ll have to decide on someone pretty soon. No rich man wants an old wife.” She laughs and drains her glass. “You’re lucky you managed to snag a guy like Elliot. Hey, does he have any bachelor brothers?”

“Yes.” His oldest half-brother and twin are single, unless I’m misremembering.

My head is starting to feel a bit fuzzy. Maybe I’m more tired than I thought from working…although my tasks were easier than what I used to do as a server and a cleaning lady.

“You should introduce me, then. We can double-date.” She giggles, then pours another glass of wine.

I take a few more sips of tea to wash away the sticky richness from the ice cream cloying in my mouth. Multiple throbbing knots start to form behind my eyes.

Traci peers at me. “Are you okay?”

“Just a little headache,” I say. “Nothing serious.”

“You want to lie down?”

Traci’s voice is soothing. It sounds like a great idea. “Sure.” I bring my feet up and lie on my side. The pain seems to lessen. “Ahhhh.”


p; “You have to take care of yourself, Annabelle. Jana hates it when people miss work.”

I give her a wan smile. “Okay, Mommy.”

“You want me to text Elliot? Let him know you might not be able to come home? It’s cool if you want to crash here tonight.”

Hmm. That does sound pretty smart. Traci’s roommate isn’t home anyway. And driving when I feel this awful is probably a bad idea. “Okay.”

“Let me text him, then.” She reaches into my purse and gets my phone out. “What’s your passcode?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Elliot & Annabelle Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024