An Unlikely Bride (Lucas & Ava) - Page 92

Before Faye can say more, Elizabeth says, “By the way, I love the work you’ve done planning the charity event, Ava. Nate sent me the latest draft, and I couldn’t find a single fault.”

Ava flushes. “Thank you.”

“If he weren’t such a good friend, I’d poach you.”

“Get in line,” Ryder says. “I need a new assistant, and Ava would be perfect.”

Elizabeth blinks. “How so?”

“You just said she was great at her job. I know what it takes to organize something like that, and anyone who’s that on top of things will know exactly how to juggle all the crazy stuff in my life.”

“You should just steal Gavin Lloyd’s assistant,” Elliot says. “What’s her name? Mallory? She’s supposed to be good.”

“Hilary. And no, I don’t want Gavin coming after me with a sniper rifle,” Ryder says. “Besides, she’s married to Mark, and I don’t hire family. Can’t fire ’em later.”

I reach for some wine. My siblings continue to talk pointedly about assistants, without giving anyone an opening to butt in. I need to find an excuse to get the hell out of this dinner. Or pray that Faye’s called away for some reason. Please, God… I’ll be good. I’ll forgo drinking and swearing for the rest of my life…even donate half my money to the charity of your choice.

Mia waves her fork, and a gob of cranberry sauce lands on her shirt. Darcy jumps into action. “Goodness. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?”

“Over there, down the hall, third door to your left,” Paige says. “Do you want me to show you?”

“No, it’s all right. I’ve got it.” Darcy grabs the child and takes her away to wash up.

“That’s Mia, right?” Faye says casually as she takes a slice of ham.

My eyebrow twitches, pulling at the scar. How does she know?

Before I can ask, she glances at Ava and says, “I guess this means you told Lucas about her.”

Ava stiffens next to me, so fast I’m afraid she might pull something.

“Told him about what?” Elliot asks.

Faye gives him a you don’t know? look. “That she’s his daughter.”

Silence crashes through the dining room, and all the air seems to have suddenly been sucked out of the house. I can barely breathe. My lungs ache, but the thoughts in my head…they spin like a tornado, gathering speed as the seconds tick by. Extreme emotion wells inside me, and I struggle to hold it back. Faye is obviously confused. She has to be…

Because for Ava to hide our child from me all this time…

I take in Ava’s bloodless face…Ray’s tight-lipped expression…

It’s true.

It’s true.

It’s true.

Faye is right.

Why didn’t Ava tell me? Why did she hide this?

“You didn’t know? But I thought…” Faye blinks.

“You most likely thought wrong.” Elizabeth’s tone isn’t cold, but hard with authority.

Suddenly, everyone’s all moving and talking at the same time.

“…should take this elsewhere…”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024