Redemption in Love - Page 72

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The moment Gavin entered the office, Hilary rose from behind her well-organized desk. “Welcome back, Gavin.”

She was in her late thirties. Glossy shoulder-length red hair framed a gorgeous egg-shaped face and set off intelligent green eyes. She wore her typical work clothes: a pale silk blouse, a fashionable light linen skirt suit and matching pumps. Diamond solitaires sparkled from her ears, and a small golden crucifix hung from a medium-weight chain around her neck.

She was a beautiful and friendly woman, but nobody in the office dared to flirt with her. She reported only to Gavin, and he wouldn’t tolerate anything that could make her feel uncomfortable about working for him. A good executive admin was nearly impossible to find, and one as superb as Hilary was god’s gift. He’d rather lose his best analyst than Hilary.

“Good to see you again.” He handed her a box of chocolate covered with tropical fruit chunks. A small gift was something he brought for Hilary after every vacation. “Enjoy.”

“Thank you.” Following him into the executive office, she handed him a stack of messages. “Phone calls requiring your attention, in order of importance.”

“Excellent.” He glanced at the top three and put them next to his computer. He’d deal with them later. Maybe on the plane.

She poured hot fresh coffee into a white mug that said YOUR COMPANY ISN’T EVEN WORTH SHORTING—a birthday present from her to him—and placed it on his desk. “Hope you don’t mind that I called Ethan directly.”

“You did well.” He sat in his plush and well-worn leather chair. “Can you ask Pete to come in? And there’s going to be a painting delivered later today. Make sure to hang it in my office.”

“Anything else?”

“Send me my itinerary for tomorrow and the day after. And leave my office door open please.”

She nodded and disappeared.

Sipping his coffee, he started checking his emails. Hilary had done a great job reviewing and delegating what could be delegated. She’d flagged a few that required his personal attention. Like an email from Salazar Pryce, Mark’s father.

Gavin started reading it, his eyebrows rising higher and higher as the purpose of the note became clear. Holy…! Did Mark even know he had a half-brother?

After he finished the email, he sat back, his head spinning. It was annoying to be in on what was obviously a secret and not be able to talk to the principal involved. But Gavin couldn’t say a word about it. All email correspondence between him and his clients was strictly confidential. Well, Hilary knew, but not even the CIA could have made her talk.

Pete popped his head in. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes. Close the door.”

Pete came in, his expression tight. There were dark circles under his blue eyes, and his usually neat hair was sticking up, like he’d been running his hands through it all day long.

“Sit down,” Gavin said. “Coffee?”

“No, thank you,” Pete said, his voice polite and cautious. Still he took the biggest armchair in the office.

Gavin studied his brother-in-law. Other than the signs of fatigue, he looked his usual self. His tie was knotted perfectly, his suit crisp, and his shoes shiny. Everything on him was expensive, color-coordinated and neat. “Was I working you too hard from overseas?”

“Not at all.” Renewed tension carved lines on Pete’s face. “Why? Is anything wrong?”

“No. You did well. Surprisingly well, in fact.”

Pete’s shoulders lowered, but only a little. “Oh. Well, good.” He shifted his weight, crossing his legs. “Gavin, I don’t know if you already know this, but there are Facebook photos of you and Amandine in front of Jones & Jones. You were also with Craig Richmond in the pictures.”

“I know about them.”

“Is everything okay between you and my sister?”

Gavin considered. Was it? He knew where he stood, but had no idea what Amandine was thinking. He hoped she was closer to deciding to stay with him. There were some positive signs—like how Amandine had decided to return to the States with him. “We’re working on it.”

Pete breathed out, his chest shuddering. “My…understanding is that the whole thing was Amandine’s idea.”


“If you love my sister and can make her happy, don’t let her do it.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024