Redemption in Love - Page 70

“Why does it matter anyway? Don’t you want your work seen?” he asked.

“Well… Maybe someday when I have something worthy.”



“Don’t you trust my taste?” He kissed her paint-splattered hands. “I’d never hang something I don’t like in my office, even if it was by my own mother. Be proud. You’re an amazing artist.”

Her heart raced, this time for another reason. She gave him a shy smile. “Thank you.”

“Anyway, we need to talk.” He took a seat on a couch and pulled her next to him.

It was as though somebody had flipped a switch. All the good humor evaporated from his face, and her stomach flipped. He looked so serious. Almost grim. “What?”

“I hate to do this, but I need to return to the States.”

“Oh. I thought we could stay here longer.”

“I thought so too, but something’s come up with The Lloyds Development.”

“Is Jacob back?”

Gavin’s mouth twisted into a crooked smile. “No. And even if he were, it wouldn’t make any difference.”

“What happened?” When he hesitated, she quickly added, “If you don’t mind telling me.” Gavin rarely discussed the nitty-gritty details of TLD matters.

“You should hear it from me. You’re family.” He raked his hair with a heavy sigh. “The company apparently isn’t doing well.”

“Really? How bad?”

“I don’t know yet. But it can’t be good if Ethan’s calling a meeting. He seems to have finished going over the numbers.”

“Okay. So now what?”

“Now I have to go back to get ready for a meeting at TLD headquarters. But you can stay here if you want. I’ll send Brooke over to keep you company. She’ll probably love it. And I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Amandine shook her head. “Like you said, I’m family. I don’t feel right having a nice vacation here when the family business is in trouble.”

Some of the tension seemed to ease from his shoulders. “Thank you for being so understanding.”

She put a hand over his. It seemed right…no, perfect, to offer him what comfort she could. “So, when do we leave? I’ll start packing.”

Chapter Sixteen

BROOKE AND THOMAS MET Amandine and Gavin at the airport. Brooke had brought the pink Mercedes, Thomas the Bentley. A black SUV waited as well with two large men, who unloaded all the suitcases and boxes, including the painting.

Gavin gave Amandine a kiss. “It’s been a long flight. Take it easy. See you later tonight.”

“See you.”

Brooke took the seat behind the wheel of the Mercedes and adjusted her sunglasses, leaving Amandine the passenger seat. “You look good,” she said as they drove away from the airport.

“Thanks. How were things while I was away?”

“Oh the usual,” Brooke said. A pair of giant gold hoops dangled from her ears. Her hair was dyed a brown-fringed deep purple. The glossy strands barely brushed her collarbones.

“I like the new style.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024