The Billionaire's Claim: Redemption - Page 7

“I know. It’s their anniversary, too.”

Her eyes soften further, until it wouldn’t surprise me if warm honey dripped out of them. “If you’d just take a seat and wait, and I’ll update you as soon as I have more information.”

“Thanks,” I say, my voice hoarse.

She gives me a look full of understanding, then returns to her files.

Antoine takes me to one of the benches in the back.

“Fiancé, huh?” I say under my breath.

He shrugs. “Why not? I don’t know what kind of privacy laws they have here, but it’s best to be as close to her as possible, relationship-wise. Right? She probably buys it, too, since a lot of couples come here on romantic getaways.”

I almost laugh bitterly at the mention of romantic getaways. Elizabeth and I never had one. I wanted to—I dreamed of it, but I never had a chance to take her anywhere. She didn’t want to be seen out with me, and now I know why—she knew how her grandmother and mother would react.

And Yu-Jin’s right about me not having been rich enough or having the right pedigree. Even if I’d been the same age as Elizabeth, her grandmother and mother would’ve found a way to ruin my life.

I bury my face in my hands. This is the last thing I imagined when I got the call from Antoine. I thought Elizabeth and I would talk—me groveling, mostly—and we’d work something out. Now…

Although Elizabeth always looks so radiant in public, I know she isn’t in the best health. She drinks a lot, doesn’t sleep well and must be under enormous stress from dealing with everyone who wants a piece of her. She doesn’t have any outlet for stress relief, either, having given up on art. Ten years ago, she used to joke around a lot, laugh easily, sing and hum under her breath…

Since I met her again at the charity dinner, I haven’t heard her laugh in genuine humor, joke or sing. It’s as though something as vital as the sun is missing from her life.

And it’s all my fault.

God, if you bring her back to me, I will make it up to her. I swear I will.

Suddenly, a bulging white plastic bag is thrust in my face.

“Here. You should change,” Antoine says. “Grabbed something from the souvenir shop across the street.”

I look down and realize I’m still in damp, briny clothes.

“The nurse said you can use the empty examination room around the corner, first door on the right. Thought it’d be more comfortable than a bathroom.”

“But—” My gaze slides toward the double doors behind which doctors and nurses are probing Elizabeth.

Antoine gives me a steady look. “If you give yourself pneumonia wearing wet clothes, how are you going to be any use to her?”

Touché. “Okay.” I accept the bag and start to rise, although I’m as reluctant as hell.

“Of course I’m right. And I’m parking my ass right here and coming to get you if her doctor comes out while you’re changing.”

I nod, then go to the empty room and change fast. Antoine’s selection includes a T-shirt that’s a size too small, stretching a trio of palm trees across my chest until it looks deformed, and a pair of black cargo pants with a waist that’s a bit too wide. I tighten the built-in belt to compensate, then shove my damp clothes into the bag and return to the waiting area. Antoine’s on a bench, checking his phone.

“It’s taking too damn long,” I mutter, settling next to him.

“They’re probably just being thorough. Better that than sloppy.”

Maybe, but it’s no comfort. The last time I was at a hospital was to watch my granddad die.

Bitter regret like I’ve never known flows through me. All the things I’ve told myself I’d want to provide for Elizabeth—the beautiful experiences, amazing travel, the world of everything she deserves—I didn’t give her any of it. Instead, I’m the source of her misery. I took away her dream, her free will.

Rescuing her from that psycho is the least I can do.

Chapter Five


Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024