Beauty and the Assassin - Page 62

He gestures at me to follow. I clench and unclench my hands, my fingertips cold as anxiety and pressure swell in my chest. Suddenly, I feel like a kid walking into take the SAT, except there aren’t going to be any do-overs. This is it.

Elizabeth’s office is next to Tolyan’s desk. The door is closed. He knocks once before going inside.

She looks up from her laptop. She’s stunning in a sky-blue dress. Unlike on Sunday, her hair’s tied up in a topknot, and huge chandelier earrings dangle from her earlobes.

“Perfect. You’re right on time. Something to drink?” she offers as she stands and comes around a desk cluttered with piles of paper and framed photos of her family. I recognize her and Thomas. The dark-haired man with them must be the husband.

“No, thank you. I’m good,” I say, inhaling slowly to calm my nerves.

She gestures at the seating area. “Please, take a seat.” She looks at Tolyan. “Would you mind closing the door? Thanks.”

He does, and then it’s just me and her in the office decorated in soft, feminine colors.

She sits in the armchair near the couch I’ve taken. “I liked that outfit when you tried it on yesterday, but I love it today.”

“Thank you,” I say, flushing with pleasure. She has a way of giving compliments that feels genuine and puts me at ease. “You look wonderful, too.” Now that she’s out from behind her desk, I see that she’s wearing a pair of silver stilettos that set the dress off perfectly.

“Thanks.” She beams. “I read your résumé. You’ve had some interesting experience and seen a lot of the country.”

“Um. Yeah.” I smile mainly because I’m not sure if she means good interesting or bad interesting. Her timbre is warm, but I get the feeling that that’s her default state.

“I appreciate your diverse experience because the people we serve come from all sorts of backgrounds. I don’t understand their struggles at the most fundamental level because I haven’t experienced them myself. So it’s important that we have people who do know at the foundation.”

“I see.”

“So if you want, you can start anytime. Do you have any questions?”

“Uh…” I blink. My brain seems to be stuck because it can’t seem to parse what she said. “Do you have any questions?”

Elizabeth bursts out laughing. “Me?”

I clear my throat, suddenly flustered. “Well, um… This is an interview, but you haven’t asked me anything.”

“Oh.” She nods. “That’s fair. It’s just that we already met, and I like you. For interns, the most important requirement is that you’re likable, empathetic and down to earth. We don’t expect our interns to know everything, but we expect them to be eager to learn and help. And that’s the impression I got, so I think you’re good to go. Unless you disagree?”

“No,” I say hurriedly. “Thank you. I’m just…surprised. I didn’t know you were… I mean, I didn’t realize the shopping trip was an interview.”

“And that matters even more, since I got to see you the way you are, rather than whatever you want to present at an interview. Plus, Tolyan already sent me the background check on you—”

My whole body tenses. What did he put on it? Anything about Roy?

“—and it looks good.” Her expression remains warm and friendly.

I guess not. Whew. I just don’t like talking about Roy. It’s just embarrassing and weird. Like telling somebody you have cooties, which isn’t that far from the truth, since he is the cooties of the family.

“The pay is as posted on the site.”

I give her a blank look, so she names a figure that leaves me speechless. Holy shit! That’s more than I make at both my part-time jobs! I can quit like Tolyan said, and still come out ahead!

“I guess Tolyan didn’t tell you…?” she says, amused.


“Unfortunately, the job doesn’t come with dental or vision, but you get access to the concierge medical service the foundation supplies to all employees. Rhonda or Patrice can give you the details, but it basically covers your primary care in full, and you can access a team of doctors at any time to consult about your medical needs. We also have medical catastrophe coverage if you want, where the foundation covers seventy percent of the cost.”

Wow… I never had anything like that at my other jobs. And I never expected dental or vision from an internship, so having any coverage at all seems awesome.

“The full-time internship is for three months, but it’s renewable, with an opportunity to be hired for a permanent full-time position later.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024