Beauty and the Assassin - Page 43

My insides jitter with nerves and anticipation. I miss being able to do ordinary social activities…maybe more than I realize. Gratitude flows through me. Tolyan’s helping me re-experience one of the many joys of life.

“Make sure you get everything a woman needs,” Tolyan says.

“Just some clothes and shoes,” I say, my voice slightly hoarse. I clear my throat with embarrassment. I don’t want to get weirdly sentimental. He doesn’t seem like the type to appreciate it. He’s civilized and smooth, but there’s a hint of gruffness to him that says he always does what he has to, and what pleases him, not because he wants credit or acknowledgment.

“Shoes. Yes. For every occasion. I’m expecting enough fashion brands to open a warehouse of shoes.”

I choke on a laugh. “It isn’t that bad.”

“It usually is.” He keeps his eyes on the road and takes us to a gigantic mansion. It’s surrounded by animal topiary, a pond that’s been carefully fenced off and water fountains that shoot into the air at random intervals, plumes of the falling water carried by the breeze onto the lawn.

“Wow.” I’ve never seen anything this grand in my life. “It’s amazing.” But as awesome as the mansion is, what about Elizabeth? Am I really going to get along with her well enough to shop together? She and I are from two very different worlds. Even if my parents hadn’t died and Roy hadn’t been born, my family would be upper middle class at best.

“Dominic is made of money. It’s the least he can do,” Tolyan says cynically.

“Who’s Dominic?”

“Lizochka’s husband.”

“You don’t approve of him?”

“Not particularly. She could have easily done better.”

“So how did he end up with her?”

“By taking a bullet for her.”

Oh my God. That’s…intense. “Taking a bullet for somebody does kind of prove that you’re serious.”

Tolyan shrugs, but his eyebrows pinch together harder, forming three deep lines. “It wouldn’t have been necessary if he hadn’t screwed up in the first place.”

“Everyone deserves a second chance.”

He makes a noise in his throat. “You’ll get along fine with Lizochka.”

When he kills the engine in front of the huge front door, it immediately bursts open and a small boy runs out.

“Tolyan!” he yells, his arms spread wide. His dark hair is cut stylishly to frame an angelic face with wide gray eyes and rosy lips. He’s in a red Spider-Man T-shirt and black shorts.

“Thomas.” Tolyan smiles and picks up the boy, lifting him up high above his head. “Look at you! Very big and strong now.”

“I know! Daddy says I’m a strong man, too. Says I need to protect Mommy.” The child smiles.

Tolyan’s smile becomes more brilliant, but I don’t think it’s because he’s pleased. His eyes have an odd gleam.

Thomas seems clueless as he smacks a loud kiss on Tolyan’s cheek.

A stunning blonde in a pink dress and strappy silver stilettos walks out, a gorgeous leather bag hanging from her slim arm. She walks up, her gray eyes shining with intelligence.

“Thomas went on pins and needles the moment the security system alerted us that you were here,” she says, then turns to me.

She’s the one who hosted that fancy hotel event. I brace for something snotty. Not overtly rude, since Tolyan’s here, but just enough to make me know she thinks I’m beneath her, since I’m never going to tell a Riesling from a Chardonnay by just looking.

A friendly, open smile curves her lips. “You must be the one.”

The one? Her eyes are twinkling too hard to have merely meant “the one I’m supposed to go shopping with.” “Hi. I’m Angelika Wilks.” I can’t seem to think of anything else to say.

“Elizabeth King.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024