Vengeful in Love - Page 52

“I returned to America immediately with you.” He was looking at her directly now, searching for something in her face. “I couldn’t tell Louise what had really happened. Just the gambling would have been enough to… Well, I’d never have heard the end of it. I needed some time to think, and so I took you to Emily. She found a poor family that was willing to look after you for several months. Eventually, through intermediaries, I got you back and brought you home. I told Louise I’d found you in DC. The lie was so egregious that it was believable, at least to her. If I tell her the truth now… I don’t know.” He sighed, and his shoulders seemed to get a bit narrower.

Natalie felt sick. “You should’ve told me.”

“Why? What could it possibly accomplish? We raised you as our own.”

Was that what he really believed? Was he truly blind to how Louise and Belle treated her?

Brian had been the only one Natalie had really liked in her family. But now she couldn’t bear to look at him. She spun around and strode out of his study, only to come face-to-face with a deathly pale Belle.


Natalie felt herself go cold, as if someone had poured chilled oil down her spine. There was nothing to say between them.

She pushed past her and went outside. The evening breeze was crisp against her skin. When she finally unclenched her hand from around the car keys, they were slick with blood.

Chapter Eighteen


Alex jerked his head up. Ethan walked into the office and closed the door behind him.

It had been a week and three days since Alex had stormed into Natalie’s condo, a week and two days since she’d returned the ruby choker and silk robe to him via FedEx. She hadn’t come to the office to pick up her stuff. Not that it had been necessary; she hadn’t kept any personal belongings there. It was as if she’d known that she wasn’t going to be working there much longer. Another sign of her guilt? Had he missed it because he’d been dazzled by her?

“Thank you for your input,” Alex said dryly.

“Not a problem. I think you should get to the gym more often too.” Ethan leaned into one of the plush office chairs. “And not drink so much.”

“Keep it up.” Alex’s heart wasn’t in the banter. He looked pointedly at a pile of documents on his desk. “Did you want something? I’m kind of busy.”

“Yeah, you looked real busy with your head on the desk there.”

There was a knock on the door, and Eleanor walked in. “Sorry to interrupt, but have you signed off on those merger documents yet? I need to get them out today if we’re going to make the deadline.”

“Thank you. I was just telling Ethan here how busy I am today.”

“Fine, I know when I’m not wanted.” Ethan heaved himself up and started out, giving Eleanor a smile as he did so. “It’s like this sixth sense I’ve got.”

“He didn’t have to go,” Eleanor said when the door was closed.

“Yes, he did.” Alex rooted around until he came up with the documents. “Here they are. Is there anything else?”

“Jennifer Beringer called about the new project figures for London. The last one I remember is five million USD. Is that still the case?”

“It is, but the scope has changed. I’ll need to brief them on that as soon as possible, so set up a conference call. And I’m probably going to have to go out there myself next month. See what everyone’s availability is.”

Eleanor nodded. One of her best qualities as a secretary was that she had a superb memory. Alex had never seen her take notes, other than occasionally in meetings, and she never forgot anything.

He gave her instructions on other business, and she reminded him of an upcoming appointment. Then she left, and he concentrated on reducing the pile of paperwork in front of him.

Half an hour later, he suddenly raised his head. He sat frowning at the wall for a few moments, then got up and opened the door.

“Eleanor, how did you know what the figure was for London? Did Ethan tell you?”

She turned on her chair and gave him a puzzled look. “No, I saw it on your computer. When I was in last week. Remember, you asked me to make sure—”

He nodded, but he wasn’t listening anymore. “Thanks.” He started to go back into his office, then stuck his head out again. “Have I mentioned what a wonderful admin you are lately? Tell HR that I approved a pay raise for you. Ten percent, starting next month.”

Eleanor’s eyebrows climbed out from behind the round glasses she wore.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024