Stealing the Bride - Page 136

The MC sputters. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but we have six thousand on the floor.” She gestures at the diamond lady.

“Her heart is priceless. Nobody can outbid that,” Court says, and steps off the stage. “But I’ll donate a million bucks to the children you’re raising money for.”

Oh my God. I’m melting now. He knows exactly what to say and do to make me feel whole again.

The crowd parts as he makes his way toward me. Then he stops three steps in front of me. “You can’t take it back, Skittles.”

Tears of relief prickle my eyes, and I shake my head. “I won’t. Ever.”

“Good. I love you too.”

My breath catches in my throat. He’s telling me he loves me, and I have my man back. So I should be screaming and jumping, but instead my knees shake as tension leaves me in waves. “I love you more, Court.”

I don’t know which one of us moves first, but his arms are around me, and I have my arms around his neck, and our mouths are fused. In the background, I hear, “But just wait until you see who’s coming next!”

Chapter Fifty-Two

–three weeks later


“Oh my goodness, I’m so thrilled for you,” Esther says, clasping her hands. She’s so excited that she can hardly sit still on the comfy couch in her living room.

Steve is studying me like a market chart he can’t decipher. “So you’re going to marry my daughter?” He nods to himself. “Well, can’t say I’m surprised. Always comes down to rings and gowns. What does Pascal think about all this?”

“She and I are on the same page,” I say, mildly annoyed he’s suddenly acting like he cares about her opinion. It’s good that she’s out shopping with Curie, not knowing this is going on, because she might’ve said something sarcastic. But I wanted to speak with her parents first, alone, before I pop the question. Call me traditional. “Just so you know, married or not, she’s still going to do whatever she wants. That’s what I want for her.”

Annoyance crosses his face. “What are you going to do, then? All alone in your home? It isn’t like you’re working.”

“Steve!” Esther says.

I raise my hand. “It’s okay. Your husband has every right to ask that before giving me his blessing.” I turn to Steve. “Look, it doesn’t matter what you say because I’m not going to be her shackles. I want to be her wings so she can soar.”

His expression turns even more mulish. All he has to do is pout to complete the look. “Is that so?”

“As for your question, Pascal says that my talent is making people happy. So that’s what I’ll be focusing on. I’m already looking into championing some causes in conjunction with the Pryce Family Foundation and Blackwood Energy’s charities department.” That’s about the extent of the involvement I want with Dad’s company. He’s happy—for now—because he thinks I’m giving in.

“You could do something more important,” Steve says pettily.

“What’s more important than doing what I’m good at, something that makes people happy?”

“Darling, stop being stubborn and give him your blessing. I’m certainly giving mine. They’re perfect for each other.”

Thank you, Esther. You’re going to be my favorite in-law.

Steve purses his mouth. “Fine. You better make her happy, or I’m going to personally kick your ass.”

Normally a lanky man in his sixties threatening me with physical violence would make me laugh. But this is a father’s sentiment, and I respect that. “Of course.”

I scratch Nijinsky’s belly before heading out. Esther invites me to stay for tea, but I have a lot of things on my plate today.

My phone rings just as I climb behind the wheel. Nate. “Hey, man. How’s the date?” He’s finally taking his assistant, who won him at the auction, out to Vegas. During the auction he actually said his ideal date would be a drunken orgy, although I don’t think he and she had one, drunken or otherwise.

“It’s…good. Great. Nothing goes wrong in Vegas.”

Probably not, especially when you’re as rich as Nate and it doesn’t matter how much you lose.

“Hey, listen,” he says, “is a wedding ceremony valid without proper witnesses?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024