Oops! I Married a Rock Star - Page 59

“Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly. It’d feel wrong to take your money. We’re family now. I think a stranger would be better. That way, I’ll never be tempted to go by or anything.”

“Of course. I shouldn’t have made the suggestion.”

She pats my forearm, her fingers cold as a lizard. “You were just trying to help. By the way, I’m going to do a barbecue this Saturday.”

“You are?” I feign perking up. “Am I going to be invited?”

She laughs. “Of course. You haven’t lived until you’ve had my ribs. Now, why don’t you wait just a moment? I have something for you.”

“You do?” Maybe it’s more steak. I could work with that. Another excuse to stop by if I need to later.

“Yes. I know you took a shine to my divine bovines. And I’m almost done with my latest.”


“So I’d like to give you the one you were looking at yesterday. It’s my favorite—”

“In that case, there’s no way I could accep—”

“—but I think you will enjoy it more than me.” She beams.

Oh. Fuck. Me.

Chapter Twenty-Five


The demonic cow stares at me from the passenger seat. I was going to dump it in the trunk, but couldn’t with Margaret waving and smiling from her front porch.

I park the Maserati in front of Becca’s home and pick up the cow. Its eyes are wide, round and soulless. Freaky as shit. And that flat mouth. Ugh. I shake the thing, wondering why Margaret really wanted to give it to me. Maybe there’s a video camera hidden inside.

I drum my fingers on the steering wheel, considering what to do, while the cow stares at me. I should stick the damn thing in the trunk. Never to see the light of the day again. If Margaret ever asks about it, I’ll just say I forgot.

My mind made up, I climb out and go to the trunk. Before I can toss it inside, somebody hugs me from behind.

“It’s you!” comes a girlish voice.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. I unpeel the arms from around me, then push away. “What the hell are you doing here?” I demand.

Sylvie gives me a smile, fluttering her eyelashes. “I live around here.”

“In this particular cul-de-sac?” If she does, Becca would’ve said something, I’m sure. It’s only fair and proper to warn your husband against the local wildlife.

“No, but close enough that I can see you come and go.”

Ugh. It’s like being pursued by paparazzi, minus the cameras and infuriating headlines. “Don’t you have a job or something?”

She puts her hand on her cocked hip and smiles proudly. “I work at the Tex-Mex restaurant across from the gas station on Main Street. I’m a waitress there, and a damn good one.”

“How productive,” I say sincerely. At least she’s employed.

“But my shift isn’t until later.” And—apparently inspired—she shifts herself to push her tits out.

“Good for you.” I look down at the cow. No dumping it in the trunk now. Not when there’s a witness.

“Look.” She steps closer, trapping me between my car and her boobs, which are impressive inside what has to be a push-up bra. They weren’t this big last night. “I know why you turned me down yesterday.”

I doubt it. If she did, she wouldn’t be pressing herself against me like this. “You do?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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