Faking It with the Frenemy - Page 67

“So?” It isn’t like she needs to go to bed early tonight.

“I didn’t get good sleep last night, so I want to go to bed a little early. Besides, we have to go to Corn Meadows tomorrow, remember?”

Damn it. Why did she have to have a bad sleep yesterday? More importantly, why did Kim have to get a roommate?

But there’s nothing I can do about either one, so I put away the tools.

Vi goes back to her room. I glare at the wall for a long time, telling myself I’m doing this to get a pervert out of the building, not because I care about him living with Kim.

Chapter Thirty-One


The next morning, Vi and I drag two big suitcases out into the hall and I

lock the door. Since she’s spending the summer with her grandparents, she insisted on taking everything she might possibly need. But knowing my parents, she’ll probably end up buying even more luggage because they’ll take her shopping and treat her to whatever she wants. Hopefully not more contouring products. Or makeup. Or anything else that she can use to “experiment.”

I wish Vi was spending the summer here in L.A., but I also understand she misses her grandparents and her old friends. I don’t want to create some weird competition of affection between me and the people she left behind in Corn Meadows. That’s the kind of manipulation Geneva pulls constantly to see if she’s the number one priority in your life, and Vi deserves better from me.

Despite my resolve to play it cool and unaffected, my gaze slides over to Kim’s unit. Did she and the roommate stay up late, chilling? Hanging out? Breaking the ice?

Or did Kim do the responsible thing and go to bed early so she’d be ready for the drive to the wedding?

Like she could’ve slept through the ruckus you were making last night.

Yeah, but I stopped when Vi asked me to. It wasn’t that late…

What the hell am I doing? Kim said she could be professional, and so can I. Besides, I’m the bigger person.

Kim’s door opens, and she comes out with a black purse. She’s in a scarlet fitted dress that does something amazing to her breasts, pushing them up until they’re like flaming beacons I almost can’t tear my eyes from. It also clings to her hips and ass, and that ass is amazing enough to bring about world peace and tame dragons. Her heels are a hot scarlet as well, and they increase her sex appeal tenfold.

At the same time, it’s probably another dig at my “red isn’t her best color” comment. Even though I said I was sorry, I know she didn’t accept the apology. I don’t think she considers anything out of my mouth sincere unless it’s something insulting.

So I’m not apologizing again. Even if I do, she’ll probably accuse me of sprinkling her seat with herpes. Or rat poison. Although… Since Vi’s around, maybe Kim won’t say any of it out loud. Just text me all her wild accusations.

Kim’s gaze flicks in my direction. Is it me or is she checking out my chest and ass too? I took care to dress in my best suit and tie for the wedding. Not because I give a fuck about Geneva, but because I don’t want anything to embarrass Vi. My kid’s suffered enough from that horrible marriage—one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

“Hey, Kim!” Vi says with a big grin. “It’s so cool you’re riding with us!”

“I know!” Kim says with the same happy smile as we make our way to my car.

It’s all I can do not to shake my head. I knew Kim was a great liar, but this is just more proof. I should film it so she can’t ever claim she’s an honest soul.

When I texted her this morning, she sounded anything but happy about sharing a car. She actually wrote, I need my own wheels. Independence. You know you can’t go anywhere without a car in that town.

Except I don’t know why she feels that strongly about it. We’re going to be there for the few hours that it’s going to take to watch the ceremony, and then most likely skip the reception unless Vi really wants to go. Only when I mentioned it was something Vi was looking forward to did Kim relent. Actually, my daughter didn’t care how many cars we took. She just wanted to ride with Kim, and I didn’t want to be excluded when she’s already spending the entire summer with my parents. She’s my kid, damn it. But somehow she seems to be bonding with Kim better than me.

Must be a girl thing, I decide, even though a voice in my head says Vi never bonded this tightly with Geneva. But Geneva has always treated Vi like an unwanted pest, not caring if it hurt her feelings.

But that still doesn’t explain why she’s not bonding well with me.

You’ve been busy for a long time, my guilty conscience reminds me.

I spent a lot of time working to satisfy Geneva’s need for more—more money, more comfort, more…everything. I thought if I made more she’d be satisfied, turn her attention from things to our daughter. It was a terrible miscalculation on my part. Something I never plan on repeating.

Now all I can do is take one day at a time with Vi. Someday she’ll realize—and accept—that I love her to pieces, but please, God, let that day come sooner than later.

“You look great,” Kim says to Vi. “I love the dress.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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