Faking It with the Frenemy - Page 59

“And…you don’t want to join her law firm as a lawyer?”

“No. I’ll never get to be around her if that’s the case.” He shoots me an extremely earnest look. My expression must be saying I don’t understand, because he adds, “If I can’t spend time with her, how am I going to convince her we’re meant to be?”

Oh my God! Is he serious? “Aren’t there bars where she hangs out, or…?”

“No. She doesn’t drink much, period. Says alcohol makes her dull.” His eyes shine with admiration.

I can’t decide if I should shake my head or wish him luck. It’s weird to imagine Samantha as the object of desire by a man as young, smart and hot as Hugo. Not that Samantha herself isn’t attractive or smart. It’s just that her views on love are…dim. Actually, they’re pitch-black. I doubt Hugo’s bright, youthful optimism would be a match for that.

“Anyway, I’ve taken enough of your time. Really appreciate the help,” Hugo says, standing up.

I walk him to the door, debating if I should tell him to have a Plan B. His Plan A is unlikely to work out, to put it mildly. On the other hand, he’s a big boy, so maybe he can handle the heartache. What doesn’t kill him…

He turns around in the doorway. “Hey, listen. If there’s anything I can do to repay the favor…”

He smiles. The dimple shows on his cheek again. He’s gorgeous. Young. Smart.

I inhale, taking my time. He smells nice, too, with a hint of aftershave and laundry detergent. Just like Wyatt.

Maybe this is my chance to prove that whatever weird pull I’ve been feeling with Wyatt is a fluke, that it’s all due to my not having dated for so long. On the other hand, I can’t ask Hugo to date me when I know he has a thing for another woman. I wish I were clueless about his attraction for Samantha so I could just impulsively kiss him to test my theory.

Well. I’ll just have to do the next best thing.

“Why don’t you just give me a good, tight hug?” I ask.

If the pull between me and Wyatt is just a result of me being deprived, I’ll feel a zing with Hugo, too. My breasts will be crushed against his chest, and his arms are going to be around me. It’s a perfect test case.

“Hug a pretty girl?” Hugo’s grin widens. “I can live with a repayment like that.”

I wait for something to stir. His tone is sweet—all-American nice guy, not smarmy in the least. But…nothing.

Maybe I need physical contact. After all, Wyatt touched me.

But you felt something from his voice, too.

Yeah, but maybe I’m just immune to voices now. I might need more.

I step into the hall, and Hugo and hugs me. His arms are strong and tight, and he’s warm and solid.

But there’s no zing. No crackle. None of the jolt that makes my nipples hard or my body tingle in places that haven’t tingled in a long time. I even bury my nose in his chest, trying my best to inhale his shirt. The mix of laundry soap and male scent fills my nose.

Still no frisson. Hashtag Experiment Fail.

Shit. How can this be? What’s missing? Eau de pheromone de Satan?

Hugo lets go with a smile. “Thanks again.”

Such a nice guy. And I feel nothing for him.

I manage a smile of my own. “My pleasure.”

He goes off, disappearing into the elevator.

“Wow. Is he even legal?”

I turn around, and like the proverbial bad penny, there’s Wyatt, watching me with narrowed eyes and arms folded across his chest. You could snap a photo right now and stick it into a dictionary for ESL students to teach them the meaning of “disapproving.”

My hackles rise, and I cross my own arms over my chest. I want to look tough. And also to hide the fact that my nipples are getting a bit…hard. Shit. “Oh, he’s definitely legal. Just a bit younger.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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