Faking It with the Frenemy - Page 36

Okay, so we were like twelve at the time. But he did it. That’s what counts. Besides, he’s dropped other creatures—and sneakily, too. I would’ve never found out if it weren’t for Louis cluing me in after Wyatt dumped me. He’s Geneva’s twin brother, but unlike her, he’s actually not a total psycho. A bit awkward, slightly overeager at times, but otherwise innocuous.

Anyway, thanks to Louis, I found out that even back then, Wyatt was the one pestering me. Louis called them “harmless pranks.” I might’ve agreed if Let’s Torment Kim hadn’t gone viral after Wyatt and I broke up. His new girlfriend led the effort, and I’m certain he was egging her on. I just wish I’d known that about Wyatt sooner, so I wouldn’t have made him my first.

“I should get going,” I say, shaking off the old, unpleasant memories. “Annie said she’d be working late, and I want to catch her, let her know there’s something weird going on.”

We exchange goodbyes and hugs, and I head back home as quickly as I can. The super’s office is on the ground floor, and thankfully the lights are still on.

I step inside, jingling the bell hanging from the top of the door. The office is neat and clean with two desks. Annie’s at the one farther away from the door. She’s in her late forties and dyes her short, curly hair auburn. A pair of red plastic-rimmed glasses sits on her pug-like nose, and her lips are thin and left uncolored. Actually, her entire face is bare, which is weird. She loves makeup. She and I sometimes chat about the best colors, sales at Sephora and so on.

Maybe she’s having some kind of eye issue. They’re swollen and slightly red. I know she has a pollen allergy, but she’s never let that stop her from wearing makeup before. The hay fever must be pretty bad this year.

Something rustles behind her chair, and a dog stands up and ambles over. This is a surprise. It’s the size of a golden retriever and looks like it should be one, but it’s got a weird mane, and the shape of the nose reminds me of a…Pomeranian?

But that can’t be right. Can those two even crossbreed?

Annie clears her throat. “Hi, Kim.” Her voice is hoarse, like she’s been coughing a lot. “Don’t mind him. That’s just Champ.”

I hold out a hand so he can sniff me, then absent-mindedly scratch his head. “I didn’t know you had a dog.” I’ve never heard her talk about one. Ever.

“Not really mine.” Her voice cracks a little. She plucks a Kleenex and blows her nose.

“He’s adorable.”

He twists around so he can lick my fingers. Maybe he likes the smell of martini lingering there, even though my hands are alcohol-free. When he seems to lose interest after a few licks, I start to scratch the soft spot under his jaw. His eyes narrow in bliss.

“So. You’re here about the pest problem?” she says, her voice brisk but off. There’s a teary quality to it, like she’s about to cry.

Which is weird, because she isn’t the type to break down. Maybe she’s just having a really overwhelming day and isn’t feeling well. I mean, there must be a reason she’s still hanging out here in the office.

And that’s starting to make me feel bad. I like Annie, and I don’t want to pile on her crappy day if that’s the case. But at the same time, dead bugs and mouse corpses are a real issue for me. “Well…yeah.”

“Nobody else on your floor has mentioned anything, but I can send someone to spray the whole floor and your unit again tomorrow.”

“That’d be great.” I smile, trying to make her feel better. “I really appreciate everything you do.”

“Thank you.” Her voice cracks.

Oh shit. Is she going to cry? Her chin is trembling a bit, and her eyes are glistening in a dangerous way. What did I say…or do?

Sure enough, tears start to spill.

“Oh, no.” Maybe I really should just get a boyfriend, one who can take care of dead bugs. It isn’t like there are a lot of them. Just one or two in the morning, and they’re outside my apartment, not inside. Besides, I haven’t dated in a long time. Like, over a year. And a boyfriend is a great idea anyway. Make my life more interesting. And prevent me from making requests that bring my super to tears. “I’m really sorry,” I say. “And don’t worry about anything.”

“No, no, I’m sorry.” Annie starts dabbing at her eyes. The tears are falling faster and harder. “It’s just my mom passed away over the weekend.”

I stare, stunned. “Annie… What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be home?” Maybe trying to cope with her mom’s death?

Champ whines, and I pet him, running my fingers through his soft fur.

“I thought work would distract me. My brother’s handling the estate, while I’m taking care of the dog and the building.” She and her mom owned the apartment complex together.

“Oh.” I’m not sure what else to say, but at the same time, I feel like I should say something.

Champ looks at me with a huge doggy smile, like I’m doing everything right. It helps…a little.

“This probably makes me a terrible person, but I don’t even know what I’m going to do about Champ.” Her face crumples.

I look down at the dog. Is he somehow a problem? He looks healthy enough, and he’s super friendly and adorable. Maybe Annie’s allergic to dogs, and she can’t bear to give him to some stranger…?

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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