Baby for the Bosshole - Page 121

“Oh, honey.” Sasha squeezes my hand. “That’s awful. Did he try to explain what happened?”

“No. I turned in my resignation, and he basically told me to pack my stuff and get out.”

The callous order sucker-punched me. Even though I know I did what’s best for my baby, I thought he’d try to explain himself. But he reacted like I’m the one who ruined our relationship.

“He didn’t take it well that I’m going to work for the Blaire Group.” I already texted Marion to let him know I was taking the offer. I had a final interview with another firm, but didn’t want to wait. And given my situation, I absolutely cannot be without insurance.

“How come? He couldn’t expect you to not work somewhere.”

“He considers it a betrayal.” But somehow he doesn’t seem to think it was a betrayal for him to not tell me about his dad’s burning desire for a grandbaby and let me be ambushed at the party in front of his brothers. “He and Marion Blaire have this stupid competition thing going. Apparently Marion has a way of trying to take whatever Emmett has. He took Webber.”

“So? Is he implying that you only got a job at the Blaire Group because of Marion Blaire’s weird hang-up with him?” Her voice bristles with annoyance.

“I don’t know. Maybe.” I haven’t been able to think too clearly about Emmett’s reaction since I left the office.

“I don’t give a shit how betrayed he felt. It’s still no reason for him to treat you like that, not even giving you a chance to send a goodbye email to anybody. Even worthless Webber got to send one.”

“Only goes to show I made the right call.” I sip my hot chocolate, wishing it were something stronger.

“You did. There’s no reason for you to stay with a man with an ego problem. It isn’t like he has a monopoly on you or your ambition.”

“No. No, he doesn’t.”

But he made me dream for a moment that maybe I could have it all—the career, the baby and a supportive life partner—only to yank it away. That won’t be so easy to forgive.

Chapter Forty-Eight


Grant doesn’t nag at me. None of my brothers give me crap for bailing at the dreaded birthday party, which is unusual. Must be this damned Monday being so dreadful for everyone.

Or maybe they can sense I need to be left alone.

I wish I could get to the break room for coffee without going past Amy’s empty desk. Every time I walk by it, I feel like a fist is slamming into my gut, and another wave of anger and betrayal washes over me.

Still, I manage to get some work done. Our startups depend on me doing my job.

Nine o’clock comes, and I leave so I don’t have to see Amy’s desk anymore. But as I walk into my home, I realize I haven’t gotten away from her at all. The kitchen counter reminds me of the breakfast we shared. My mind’s eye sees how sweet and sexy Amy looked coming down the stairs…

The doorbell rings. My heart jumps to my throat. It could be Amy, here to tell me she messed up—I’m sorry, can you take me back?

But the image on the security panel immediately shatters my fantasy. It’s actually my brothers gathered there. Shit. It’s clear now why they haven’t bugged me with texts about ditching the party. They plan to bug me in person!

I really don’t want to talk to them. What I need is a stiff drink and some sleep. Preferably in a guest bedroom, since I don’t want to sleep in the bed Amy slept in. At least not until the sheet are changed.

“Open up!” Grant yells. “We know you’re in there!”

“Don’t make us kick the door in,” Noah says, sounding entirely too happy about the possibility. He likes to think he’s a tough guy.

I sigh, go to the door and yank it open. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have things to do, money to make?”

They look at each other.

“I made enough for the day,” Huxley says.

Noah shrugs. “I never do nine to five.”

Sebastian says, “Never work this late at the office. You know that.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024