Baby for the Bosshole - Page 109

Emmett has a small smile on his face, like he’s enjoying the scene. Maybe this is how his dad likes to celebrate his birthday. I mean…it’s Hollywood, right?

I try to hide my discomfort. Everyone else is laughing and cheering, and who am I to ruin the fun, especially when I asked to have Emmett introduce me to his family? Besides, the attendees are adults. Emmett’s dad wouldn’t have thrown a party like this if there were little kids present.

At least it’s not an actual orgy. Ms. Positivity, that’s me.

As Emmett and I enter the area, there is a pair of what look to be large, salmon-colored exercise balls in front of us. Emmett smacks one of them hard. Cheers erupt from the crowd several yards away.

White liquid shoots out from a huge, curved shaft attached to the double balls, and I realize that it’s an erect penis. He isn’t the first to have smacked it, either. There are wet spots everywhere. The apparatus in front of us isn’t the only giant dick present. There are nine more, set to the left and right of the entrance, like a line of porno arches. Some people have the red balloons that I saw earlier—the ones that look like mouths or vaginas—wrapped around their torso. They’re covered with the white goo.

“Do it again, Emmett!” a blonde in a barely-there thong calls out. She doesn’t have a top on, but she has a vagina balloon. The white liquid is in her hair and on her left shoulder. Ew.

Emmett shrugs. “Already did it. Don’t blink or you’ll miss the action.”

“Oh come on!” a redhead whines. At least she isn’t topless. She has a mouth balloon.

“Em-mett! Em-mett!” The blonde starts a chant, waving her fist.

Others join in. I can do nothing but watch. Shock wrecks what thoughts or emotions I might be capable of.

Emmett laughs. “If you insist.” He smacks the other ball, and white liquid arcs in the sky again.

“Yeah!” The crowd whoops with laughter.

The blonde shuffles left and right as partygoers scream instructions at her. The milky thing splats, hits some, misses some. But the blonde manages to position the vagina so that some goo lands on it.

“Score one for Team V!” a guy calls out.

More whooping. Somebody showers the people with champagne.

“Your turn,” Emmett says to me.

The question jolts me out of my stupor. “What? Are you high?”

“Everyone has to hit it when they enter the pool area for the first time.”

I look at the balls and the eagerly waiting mouths and vaginas dubiously. “I don’t think I can hit that hard.”

“Don’t have to. There are sensors inside.” He gestures at the curved shaft above us.

I can’t believe I’m about to do this. “Okay…” I make a fist and hit the ball.

Another squirt of white from the tip of the shaft. “Score one for Team M!” More cheering and hollering.

“Great shot!” a middle-aged man says, while taking me in from head to toe. I don’t care for the lasciviousness in his gaze, which is glazed with too much alcohol or drugs or something. “I’m Sean.” He says his name like I should recognize it. He’s probably somebody famous in movie business. Wonder if he’s going to be ego-bruised if I tell him I have no clue who he is.

“Amy,” I say politely. Just because I’m surrounded by porno stuff and dealing with an obnoxious drunk doesn’t mean I have to lose my manners.

“My girl,” Emmett adds as he wraps an arm around my waist, giving the guy a back-off-creep look.

The man raises his hands. The gesture is innocent, but his eyes are anything but. “Hey, no problem. Just being friendly.”

“There are other women to be friendly with,” Emmett says.

I don’t try to soothe the tension between them since I’m not too crazy about being friendly with the man.

I turn my attention to the party. Emmett and I are still standing in front of the entrance. To get to the main section, we’ll have to walk through the, um, dick arch colonnade. A bunch of people are congregated around the balls to shoot the fake cum, while the people with the vagina and mouth balloons are trying to catch it. I don’t want to have that crud all over me before I’ve even had a chance to say hello to Emmett’s family.

The breeze blows in our direction, carrying the scent of the mess on the floor. I wrinkle my nose. I thought the giant dicks were shooting syrup, but the smell is weird. It’s almost like…real ejaculate.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024