Baby for the Bosshole - Page 107

Over the next week or two, Emmett sends more pictures and options for me to look at for the nursery, while I look for a present for his father. Emmett said just showing up would be enough, but it is his dad’s birthday. I want to make a good first impression, and that means not arriving empty-handed.

So while working, I browse the Internet for options. Finally, I settle on a set of gorgeous onyx cuff links with Ted Lasker’s initials—something he can wear when he has to dress up for an award ceremony or something.

Emmett told me it’s a pool party, so I should either have a bathing suit on underneath my outfit or else avoid the pool area completely, because otherwise people will drag me into the water for fun. So I put on a pink bikini under a sundress, stuff a beach wrap and sunscreen in my waterproof tote bag and head over to Emmett’s.

“If my dad talks to you, just nod and say as little as possible in return,” Emmett says as he drives us to his father’s place. “The more you talk to him, the worse it gets.”

“How come?”

“You’ll see. Dad can get a bit too…rowdy when he has a lot of alcohol in him, and there’ll be tons of booze at the party.”

Emmett must be worried about his father making a bad impression on me, especially since they’re tight.

“Don’t worry,” I say with a smile. I’m not going to make a snap judgment based on a few drunk comments. We’ve all said things we wished we hadn’t while under the influence.

“And ignore his friends, too. Or—if you have to interact—just smile.”

“I can do that.” I sigh as anxiety starts to rachet up. “I wish I’d watched more movies.”


“So I could fit in better? Won’t people at the party be talking about them? I mean, they’re all movie people. I think I’ve only seen, like, two of your dad’s films. I should’ve at least tried to watch them all.”

“You’ll need more than watching movies to blend in,” he murmurs.

Probably, but I decide the party won’t be as bad as Emmett makes it sound. My guess is he’s trying to set my expectations low so I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Besides, it’s for somebody my father’s age. Probably something fun, dignified and expensive. Maybe with a stripper in a cake or something similarly “risqué.” I’m sure I can handle it.

Emmett pulls in to a gigantic mansion, a huge, shiny ivory structure that looks like a château with turrets and balustraded terraces. The windows are arched and spotless. The landscaping is immaculate, green and lush with precision-cut lawns and bushes. Bronze and marble statues dot the green. They don’t seem contemporary because they are in the shapes of people who are recognizable. But they’re all nude and in sexually suggestive poses, although the crotches are strategically hidden. I don’t know much about art, but they’re probably expensive, the kind of pieces that would be gracing museums if Ted Lasker hadn’t bought them.

All sorts of fancy European cars line the driveway. Emmett squints at a couple of them. “Huxley and Griffin are here—two of my other brothers. I’ll introduce you later. They’re great.”

“Awesome.” I smile, happy to note Emmett and his brothers seem close.

We get out of his Lamborghini. Music throbs in the air, with high-pitched squeals cutting through the beat from time to time. The guests must be having a good time, which is perfect. Meeting his family is going to go smoothly.

Emmett and I make our way to the main entrance. A slim orange-haired man in a teal shirt and jeans stands guard. He’s of average height and slightly below average attractiveness, but his mossy-green eyes are alert and his short, stubby fingers are fast over his tablet.

“Emmett, so good of you to come.” Without giving him a chance to respond, the man turns to me. “And who is this young woman?”

“My date,” Emmett says.

I wave and give the man a pat smile.

The man looks me over, taking in my sundress and hair and makeup. “I didn’t know you were bringing one. Is she going to make Ted—”

“You’re not my mother, Joey.” Emmett’s tone says, Shut up.

“And thank God for that. You couldn’t pay me enough.” Joey smiles thinly and turns to me. “I’m Joey Martin, Ted Lasker’s assistant.”

“Amy Sand. Nice to meet you.” I extend a hand, which goes ignored because Joey is too busy tapping his tablet screen.

Emmett sighs. “So rude.”

I agree, and smile a blatantly fake smile.

Joey looks up, then blinks at my hand. “Sor-ry. Just busy.” He shakes my hand perfunctorily. “The party’s that way. And presents go over there, if you brought anything.” He points to a huge pile right behind him.

I place mine on the pile as Emmett shakes his head. “You didn’t have to get something.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024