Acheron (Dark-Hunter 14) - Page 148

"See! I told you it was real!"

He had to calm her down. "It doesn't mean anything. For all you know this is an ancient Bridget Jones's Diary."

She scoffed. "They didn't have novels back then."

"History says they didn't have books, yet what's this thing in my hand? It's square, bound paper that's been written on. Looks like a book to me."

"Thank you, Captain Sarcasm. How nice of you to join us again. Can we get back to the story?"

"Just don't throw another hammer at me," he mumbled under his breath before he returned to the book. "Today I spoke to my father about visiting Atlantis and as usual it made him angry. Our negotiations with them aren't going well. Uncle sent word that war could break out again at any moment. But I don't understand why it's too dangerous for me to visit there while my brother and uncle live there. Surely it's not safe for . . ." Ash paused as he saw his name mentioned, "my brother. I can't stand not seeing him. The letters he sends aren't enough for me. I want-" Ash choked on the words on the page as pain hit him hard in his chest.-my brother home with me. Someone needs to make sure Acheron is kept safe from harm and though Uncle swears he's fine, I wish I could make sure of it for myself.

"She wants what?" Tory prompted.

"My eyes are hurting," he lied. "I think it's the lighting. Can we pick this up later?"

Tory frowned at the odd note in his voice. It sounded like he was choking on tears, but that didn't make sense. "If you wish."

"Cool. I'll just return it to my backpack." He got up and rustled around in it.

"Ash?" she asked after a couple of seconds.


"Did anyone call my family?"

"I don't know. You want me to ask?"

"Please. I don't want my family invading when I feel fine. Especially not while we have insane people chasing us. I would die if one of them got caught in the crossfire."

"Okay. I'll go get Kim and find out. If you need anyone . . ." He put the hospital buzzer in her hand. "I know you can't see well so if you get scared at all, buzz the nurse and I'll be right back."

His concern touched her. "Got it."

Tory sat in the silence, processing everything that'd happened today. The things she'd learned and those she still only suspected about Ash. Not to mention the fact that she now knew she had people out to end her life any way they could over something she didn't even possess.

What was she going to do?

Ash returned a few minutes later. "Kim spoke to your grandfather and Aunt Del. She said they want you to call them as soon as you can." Ash stepped close enough that she could see him.

"Thank you, Ash."

"You're welcome. Kim also said she'd have Pam bring your spare glasses over to you just as soon as she can."

She put her hand over the one Ash had resting on her railing and gave a light squeeze. "Thank you for remembering to ask about them, too." She picked his hand up and placed hers against it. She'd always thought of her hands as mannish since they were so much bigger than most women's, but compared to his hand, hers were dainty. His fingers were long and graceful with calluses that also marred his palms. They were manly hands and she couldn't help wondering what they'd feel like skimming her body . . .

"Your hands are so huge."

"Yours are soft and little." She didn't miss the catch in his voice before he moved his hand away. "Mine are also really rough." He said it as if it embarrassed him.

"I like your hands. I think they're beautiful."

"I don't know about that, but they do what they're supposed to most times I guess."

She shook her head. "You hate compliments, don't you?"

Ash's gut tightened at the unwanted memories her question provoked. As a human, compliments had been followed by either unwanted gropings or all-out beatings from the people who didn't want to be attracted to him. As a god they'd become extinct which, given his former experiences, was fine by him.

"You want me to get you something to eat?"

Tory nodded. "I'm always hungry."

"I'll be back."

She didn't move as she watched him leave again. He was so strange and so seductive. Protective, arrogant and at same time unsure of himself. Which really made no sense to her. How could he ever be uncertain?

She lay there for several minutes as she pondered the dichotomy.

"Hey girl."

She smiled at the blur that was Pam. "Hey hon."

Pam came forward and put Tory's glasses on her face. Tory breathed a sigh of relief as the world came into focus again. "Bless you."

"Anytime. How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good considering I just got hit by a car and died."

Pam growled at her. "You're not funny. And where's your delectable bodyguard?"

"He went to find food for me."

"Ooo, good looking and he quests for food when you're hungry. He's a keeper. So when are you going to sleep with him?"

Ash paused outside the door as he heard Pam's question to Tory.

Tory made a very undignified snort. "Sleep with him . . . pah-lease. Like I don't have better things to do with my day. I swear the way you have sex on the brain, you should have been born a guy."

"Oh yeah right, Tor, look at the man. They don't make a finer model than that one. Trust me. Unlike you, I look a lot. He's without a doubt the finest thing on two legs, or three if you play your cards right."

Tory let out a sound of utter shock. "Stop talking about him like that. He'd die of embarrassment if he heard you."

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024