Acheron (Dark-Hunter 14) - Page 54

He nodded before he took a seat next to her. "I've never seen anything quite like it. He was sitting naked in the rain completely quiet, not bothering a soul, and they beat the shit out of him, then had him hauled down for a whipping."

Artemis forced herself not to react to the news in the least little way. "Why?"

"No idea. But I swear the prince heir had a hard-on when he held him down on the ground and beat him."

Artemis looked away as she remembered how many times Apollo had treated her in a similar fashion. Strange that he didn't see his own actions mirrored by the humans. Her poor Acheron. She wanted to go to him, but didn't dare.

Apollo laughed. "I give the human credit though, he fought like a lion against them. Even dared them to hit him harder."

Tears gathered to choke her. Artemis blinked quickly to dispel them. "I'll never understand humans."

"That's why my Apollites will one day subjugate them. The humans are too flawed."

She shook her head at her brother's plan to overthrow the people her father had created. "Do the Greek humans know that you're not backing them in their war against the Atlanteans and Apollites?"

"Are you insane? Of course not. Let them offer their daughters to me and make sacrifices. What do I care?"

Artemis cocked a brow at that. "You care for your pet, don't you?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "She amuses me for the time being. But there are many more exquisite women in the world. Besides she'll eventually age and I'll cast her off then."

"They do age too quickly." That was more for her benefit than his. Surely Acheron wouldn't appeal to her once his beauty faded.

Apollo didn't comment.

Artemis wondered at his presence in her temple garden. "Why aren't you with your pet?"

"She's with the slave, tending him. Once they beat him, she became too morose for my taste."

"And you tolerated that?"

He shrugged again. "I think her illegitimate brother must have given her tips on how to please me. She's been way too knowledgeable and compliant for a virgin. Styxx told me that they used to sell the bastard to humans for sex. Apparently it's a family tradition."

That news surprised her. Normally her brother shunned anyone who was unchaste. "Ryssa has had others?"

"No. I'd have killed her. When I'm not around, they keep her well guarded. But I find it fascinating that they offered her to me in such a manner. I would never do that with my daughter."

Artemis glanced to Satara, Apollo's young daughter who was dancing in the fountain with another of her koris. "No, you only gave your daughter to me to be a servant."

"I gave my daughter to you to feed you when I'm not around and to keep you away from the humans. She's never to be touched by any man."

"She's young still. What will happen when she grows older and decides to take a consort?"

Apollo's eyes flared with anger. "I'll kill them both."

Artemis was aghast at his words. "You would kill your own child?"

His look pierced her. "I'd kill my own twin should she whore herself for a man. Satara is one of many children I have. But none of them will shame me without feeling the full weight of my wrath."

"Even if she loved him?"

He curled his lip in disgust. "What are you? Aphrodite? Don't speak to me of love. You're a goddess. There is no love for us. Only lust which fades. A man can seek lovers, but for a woman to do such . . ."

Made her a whore. She knew her brother's stance on that.

As if she could hear his words about her, Satara paused in her play to look at her father.

"I'm off." Apollo vanished.

Artemis didn't miss the look of disappointment on Satara's face that her father hadn't bothered to speak to her. An instant later, she shoved the kori closest to her and stalked off.

Artemis shook her head. Apparently violence ran deep in their genes.

Her thoughts turned to Acheron and guilt slammed into her. What she'd done to him had been wrong and she knew it. But how could she face him after the way she'd acted?

You're a goddess. He should be grateful you even noticed him.

That was the way she'd been reared. Yet Acheron was different. He hadn't just been another human. They'd been friends.

And she'd hurt him out of fear. She'd done the very things to him that she'd sworn she'd never do. Things she knew hurt and humiliated him.


Closing her eyes, she could see him chasing her through the forest. Hear his laughter as he teased her.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024