What Tears Us Down (Arrow Creek 3) - Page 9


He shrugs. “I figured you were scoping out your options.”

I settle back onto my stool as heavy as a cinder block. Avoiding eye contact is easy as I reach for my fresh drink. “Nah, man. I’m taking the night off.”

“Did you tell them that? You have about ten pairs of eyes pinned to your back.”

My right forearm settles on my thigh, and I level him with a grin. “You jealous?”

His face pales beneath the dim pendant lights. He shoves me with a hand to my shoulder. “Fuck no.”

The smirk I wear easily slides into place. “I’m messing with you.”

“Yeah, well, you’re a terrible comedian. Kiersten riled would make Nora’s claws look stuffed with cotton.”

A swallow of whiskey conceals my laughter. “You’re not wrong.”

We order bar food and catch up over appetizers while watching sports highlights on the flat screen over the bar. Tonight’s the first instance of normalcy for either of us in a while. Not wanting to bother my friend and his new wife, once his son Cedric was born, I kept a low profile. The two had finally found their way, and the last thing I wanted to do was drag him out to hear about my problems.

I can’t deny that after the day I’ve had this is nice.

After finishing off a plate of fries, along with three other appetizers an hour and a half later, Kiersten calls Nathan to let him know Cami went home. From his side of the conversation, the gist is clear. I’m not the only one being sought after tonight.

Nathan throws on his jacket, and I toss down a few bills while he’s distracted. Money may be tight, but old habits are hard to break, especially when I refuse to tell my friends the truth.

“Not to sound like a chick, but we need to do this more often. Sometime I don’t have Tommy would be a welcome change from my normal routine.”

His expression suggests I said the wrong thing. He just shakes his head. “Absolutely. It gives the girls a chance to get together too. Cami can’t get enough of fawning all over my boy. Won’t be surprised if she and Law pop out one of their own.”

“That’s been a long time coming. You’ll be in the race for number two soon.”

I swear Nathan’s skin turns a shade of green. “I’m still getting used to number one.”

I laugh and slap him on the shoulder. “See you around. And call me about moving, I’m serious. Happy to help.”

Nathan’s eyes slide over my shoulder before coming back to mine. “Sure, man. See you.”

Before I can decide whether to stay or go, a breathy voice calls from behind me. “Rhett.”

The tall brunette behind me isn’t a stranger, and I offer a playful half-grin. “Mallory.”

She twirls one of her soft ringlets around the finger

of one hand and holds a pink drink in the other. “How’ve you been?” She leans in.

I rest a hand on the curve of her waist and land a kiss on her cheek. Her answering smile is bashful as we pull back. I leave my palm in place and give her a gentle squeeze.

“I’m good. How’re you?” Relaxing against the bar gives me a better view. She’s overdressed for this sort of place, but I—and the other males in the room—aren’t complaining. Her dress is short and black, and her heels are sky-high. The smoky hue of her makeup is alluring.

The way she bites her lower lip tells a story in half a second.

“I’ve been good, Rhett. Actually been wondering if I’d ever run into you again.” She peeks up at me beneath thick, heavy lashes.

“Aw.” I place a hand on my chest over my heart and flash her a grin. “You knew exactly where to find me.”

“That’s what I was hoping.” She jabs her straw between her lips. “Do you have plans tonight?”

This is the split-second decision I’d been determined to avoid. Mallory is a great woman, but I really am feeling the effect of burning the candle at both ends.

Tags: A.M. Wilson Arrow Creek Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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