Absent in the Spring (The Shakespeare Sisters 3) - Page 53

‘Take the T-shirt off,’ he told her, deliberately making his tone sharp.

Her eyes flashed as she hesitated, before pulling it over her head. She was wearing only a small pair of pale pink panties, the rest of her was bare.

Naked, blonde, curled on his bed. Jesus, did it get any better than this?

‘Put your arms above your head.’

This time she did it straight away. Her arms stretched above her, lifting her breasts, her nipples visibly hardening. Wearing only his pants, Lachlan closed the gap between him and the bed, kneeling on the mattress. Grabbing the belts, he tied them around her wrists, fastening her to the intricate iron headboard behind her.

‘You okay?’

She nodded.

‘Trust me?’

She tugged at the belts tied around her wrists. He’d left them loose enough not to cause her any discomfort. Enough force and she’d have them undone in no time – he was no Boy Scout. Still, something about the way she was staring up at him sent a jolt of pleasure through him. Sure, he’d never done anything like this before but with her, it felt goddamned amazing.

‘Do you trust me?’ he asked again, somehow needing to hear her say it. He knelt over her, straddling her hips with his thighs, just as she’d straddled him last night. He looked down at her, drinking her in. It was taking everything he had not to pull her panties off right then.

‘I trust you,’ she whispered.

Relief coursed through his veins. Unbuckling his belt, he let the leather hang loose, unbuttoning his pants and sliding them off. Then he was just in his shorts, the ridge of his excitement prominent against the black fabric.

She trusted him. Hearing it was as much an aphrodisiac as seeing her almost-naked body splayed beneath him. He could feel his dick pulsing hard as he lowered himself to her, desperate to feel her skin against his.

She trusted him.

It was everything he needed to hear.


The good I stand on is my truth and honesty

– Henry VIII

Lucy could barely keep her breathing under control. Every time he touched her she could feel her heartbeat speed, her skin singing to the tune of his fingers. He brushed his lips against her inner thigh, soft and teasing, and she arched her back to show him her need.

‘Remember last night?’ he asked her. ‘The way you teased me until I begged?’

She nodded, lifting her head from the soft pillow. She tried to arch into him, but her tied-up hands prevented her getting purchase.

‘I want to hear you beg now.’ He kissed her thigh again, and she could feel him smile against her skin. ‘I want you to beg like you’ve never begged before.’

‘Lachlan…’ She sighed, the breath rushing out of her in its haste to be free. ‘Please don’t.’

Another smile, this one as wicked as the last. His eyes were twinkling as he stared at her. ‘I’m not sure how I like you best,’ he said softly. ‘Kneeling over me, or supplicant beneath me. Both ways you’re gorgeous.’

Her hands curled into fists, making the towelling cords dig into her wrists. She could taste the anticipation, a metallic tang that coated her tongue. She inhaled a fresh lungful of air to take the flavour away. Slowly, she unfurled her fingers, relaxing her hands as they remained above her head.

He was still looking at her, still waiting, and there was something about his reticence that touched her. And at that minute she knew that whatever she said, he’d abide by. He wouldn’t push her any further than she was willing to go.

‘I want you,’ she told him. ‘I need you inside me.’ She pulled at her hand, intending to stroke his soft hair. She couldn’t help but feel frustrated at the cord holding her back. He reached for his wallet, grabbing a foil packet and opening it. She watched silently as he unrolled the condom down himself.

‘Never change,’ he said, placing his hands either side of her, taking the weight of his body. She could feel his skin brushing against hers. Chest against chest, thighs against thighs.

God, it felt good.

He hesitated for a moment, looking down at her, before brushing her lips with a sweet, half-there sort of kiss. One that left her wanting more.

Tags: Carrie Elks The Shakespeare Sisters Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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