Hellion (Southern Rebels MC) - Page 63

“You’re insane,” I realized. “And apparently have an affinity for bad movies.”

“Now, listen here, young lady –”

“I’m gonna go ahead and stop you right there. Whatever you think is happening here, ain’t happening. You can pass go and head straight to hell,” I snapped, his presence igniting the rage that had been building inside of me ever since I learned he was the reason my mom spent my entire life running. I eased around the car, using it as a buffer between us.

“You don’t speak to me that way,” he roared, any joviality he’d pretended to have disappearing in a flash. “You’re mine. MINE. You’ll do what I say.”

“Fuck you,” I answered succinctly.

He charged toward me and I scrambled back, searching for anything I could use to defend myself. He set his hand on the hood of the car and yelled when the heat seared his skin. I darted backwards, hoping I’d interpreted Dwayne’s look correctly and the door was behind me somewhere.

“You can’t escape,” the Chief threatened. “All the doors are locked. The only way you’re getting out of here is with me.” He cradled his scalded hand and I continued to back up slowly.

“I’m going to walk out the door and you won’t be able to do a thing about it,” I promised, putting a lot of faith in Dwayne not being a ‘bad guy’. “If you’re smart, you’ll get the hell out of town and disappear.”

“Stop,” he raged as I continued to move backwards, keeping him in my sights. I knew I could outrun him, but if he cornered me I might not make it to the door. “For once, do what I tell you, Moira,” he roared furiously.

I stopped. “I’m not Moira.” I shook my head. “And I won’t run from shitheads like you, not anymore.” He froze and I took the opportunity, snatching a wrench lying on the table and flinging it at him. Luck was on my side as it hit him across the face and he yelped. The desire to run from him was strong, but so was my desire to stop him. A piece of pipe was propped up against the wall and when he lunged for me, I grabbed it, sweeping it down and making contact with his knee, a satisfying popping sound almost drowned out by his scream.

He hit the ground and I kept hold of the pipe, taking one step back and then another.

“You can’t get out. I won’t let you,” he babbled, holding his knee as he rolled on the floor. “You’re mine. I won’t let you go. No one can have you.”

“You’re done.” I walked backwards, exhaustion starting to edge out the adrenaline. “I’m walking out of here and when I come back, Noah is going to arrest you.” I cocked my head. “Unless Johnny gets here first, then you’ll leave in a body bag.”

“I’ll kill him just like I killed Cash. You thought Cash would save you, but I took care of him,” he bragged, spittle flying, clearly confusing me with my mom again. “If you’d just given me a chance, it would have been different. It didn’t have to be that way, if you’d just come with me like I’d asked,” he rambled disjointedly. “I’ll protect you from Johnny, just like I promised.”

I shook my head, not understanding half of what he was muttering. “It’s over,” I said tiredly, the day catching up with me. I walked to the door and rested my hand on the doorknob, curious if Dwayne really had left it unlocked.

“You won’t leave me,” Cal shouted and I glanced over my shoulder in time to see him wave his pistol at me. “No one can have you.” I twisted the knob as he fired the gun, ducking out the door, sparing a second of gratitude it really had been unlocked. The door swung behind me as I ran down the street, desperation pushing me as I came to the road.

There were people everywhere and it took me a second to remember they were there because of the race, which seemed a million years ago even though it had only been a few minutes. I slowed to a walk, trying to catch my breath, as I scanned the crowd for someone I recognized.

A hand caught the back of my arm, spinning me around, and I raised my hand to strike before I recognized the kutte. I threw my arms around him instead, squeezing tightly in my relief. “Who do I need to kill?” A familiar voice asked and I almost fell backwards I released him so fast. He caught my shirt, pulling me upright as he grinned sardonically. “I don’t bite.”

“I should probably find Noah first,” I muttered, smoothing my shirt. “Sorry about the,” I waved my hand around, not wanting to admit I’d hugged him.

Tags: Kristin Coley Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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