For 100 Reasons (100 3) - Page 53

“I’m sorry.” He strokes my cheek, then tunnels one hand into my hair, his palm at my nape. “I’m so sorry for the way I treated you, the things I said. I didn’t mean them. I can’t offer excuses. I can only promise you that it will never happen again.”

I close my eyes, wanting to believe him. Needing to believe he can keep that promise.

“All the things you said you needed from me,” he whispers fiercely. “Those are the things I want too. I just don’t know how to ask for them. I’m not sure I know how to give them. But I want to try.”

“I have to see those words in action, Nick.” I swallow past the thickness in my throat. “Giving you that chance might require more trust than I have to give you right now.”

He nods solemnly. “What can I do to prove it to you?”

“This is a start. You coming here was a start.”

A look of relief fills his handsome face. “After you ignored all of my calls, I wasn’t sure you’d be willing to listen.”

“And you came anyway?”

“There isn’t anywhere else I want to be.” He caresses my cheek, a barely restrained yearning in his brilliant blue eyes. “Would it be all right if I kissed you now, Ms. Ross?”

My heart is so full and hopeful, I can’t hold back my smile. “I’ll be disappointed if you don’t, Mr. Baine.”

Chapter 20

After staying for dinner and apple dumplings with me and my mom, Nick spent the night on the worn-out plaid sofa in the living room.

It’s too soon to know if our talk will be the lasting balm our relationship needed, but in the three days since we’ve been back in the city, Nick and I have been practically inseparable. True to his word, he’s giving me all that I asked of him—more, in fact.

I’ve never felt so cherished, so adored. He’s been tender and attentive every hour we’re together, careful to give me no reason to doubt him. Making love he’s been infinitely patient, allowing me to set our pace, even when the heat between us is at its hottest. Even when I can tell how much it’s costing him to surrender the control he has so often wielded as a weapon—and a shield.

“Hey, beautiful.” His deep voice is like a warm caress as he strolls into the penthouse bathroom, where I’ve just come out of the shower. The sight of him shirtless in just a pair of well-worn faded jeans makes my stomach flip. “I’ve been in the study on the phone with Beck. Have you been home long?”

Home. I can’t contain the smile that curves my lips upon hearing him say that. Even though I don’t have plans to move out of my own house, nor has he asked me to, Nick’s place does feel like home. Being here with him is easy, the most natural thing in the world, and for a moment I simply allow myself to savor the feeling.

“I got back from Kathryn’s a few minutes ago,” I tell him, meeting his smile in the vanity mirror in front of where I sit. I’m wearing a silk robe, my hair wrapped up in a white towel. “What time will Patrick be driving us to the recreation center?”

“Four-thirty. The ribbon-cutting isn’t until six, but there will be press photos and interviews to deal with beforehand.” He walks up behind me and rests his palms on my shoulders, leaning down to kiss the side of my neck. “You smell delicious.”

So does he. I close my eyes and breathe in that unique mix of warm, clean skin and masculine spice that’s been stamped indelibly into my senses from the moment I first brushed up close to him. If we had more than an hour before we’re due to leave for the rec center that scent and the press of his mouth below my ear might tempt me right back into bed with him.

It still might.

He withdraws much too soon for my liking. His hands linger on me, though, caressing me lightly as his gaze holds mine in the glass. “How was Kathryn feeling today?”

“The same. She slept a bit more today than yesterday when I stopped by to see her.”

“Has there been any more talk about hospice?”

I press my lips together, shaking my head. “Pauline says Kathryn refuses to acknowledge the possibility. Each time I tried to bring up the subject with her, she deflected.”

Nick grunts. “It’s not like her to avoid an uncomfortable issue. She’s always preferred to tackle them head-on.” He strokes the side of my face. “Like someone else I know.”

I pivot in the velvet upholstered vanity chair and look up at him. “She didn’t seem to have the energy to talk much today. All she wanted to do is have me tell her about my art, what I’m working on now and when my next showing will be. She even made me write it on her calendar so she could make sure to be there.”

“Mind over matter,” Nick suggests gently, leaning his hip against the marble countertop. “Maybe making plans helps her feel more in control of the time she has left.”

“Maybe. Tomorrow morning she’s leaving for a couple of weeks at her house in the Hamptons. When we said goodbye today, she just held me for the longest time.”

The look he gives me is filled with solemn consideration. “If you’d rather skip the ribbon-cutting so you can spend more time with her today, I’ll understand.”

“No. I want to be with you.” I take his hand and press a kiss to his palm. “Today is a big deal, Nick. Besides, Kathryn would never allow me to miss the ceremony. She knows the rec center is also important to me.”

Tags: Lara Adrian 100 Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024