Sweet Obsession - Page 13

The same thing happened again, this time anyway, when he bent me over in the shower and did me hard and rough from behind. He’s so sweet and attentive; I guess it didn’t take him long to figure out that that’s my favorite sexual position, that and the one where he pushes my legs and thighs together when he semi squats behind me; good gravy does that one feel good, but it also gives me the most pain so….

“Are you awake, or do you need to sleep some more?” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and drew me in to kiss my temple after getting dressed. I just realized that since the great reveal, he doesn’t go too long without touching me in some way. I guess touch is his love language, but he’s always been loving and kind to me.

On the other hand, though he indeed has always been loving towards me, I can’t deny the changes I’d already seen in his actions. Well, apart from the sex anyway. His attentiveness has gone up a notch. Now that he doesn’t have to hold back or deny either of us what we want, I get to see who he really is in this kind of relationship. I don’t mean to be mean, but someone like Rene, who would traumatize an already troubled young girl, doesn’t deserve a man like him.

“Do you have something to do? Is that why you’re asking me about sleep?”

“Kind of; I need to run somewhere and come back; it might take me an hour or more. Would you be okay here by yourself?” He kissed me again as if he couldn’t help himself, and I nodded my head yes.

“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit then. Do not answer the door for anyone.” He left, and two minutes later, I didn’t know what to do with myself. In six days, he’d turned me into one of those clingy women that needed her man near to breathe.

I walked around the penthouse looking at stuff because, like I said, I’d only been here a few times and never got too comfortable because I thought he’d bought the place for her. But there was no sign of her anywhere, though there was a picture of me on the grand piano in the piano room, just like at home. Since I’m the only one of us who plays the piano, I wonder why I never questioned what one was doing here.

It’s weird what you realize once the clouds have lifted. I plopped down on the overstuffed leather couch in his home office. I chose this room because I know he spends most of his time here in here, so here is where I feel closest to him. With my feet curled under me, I had my phone in hand, ready to play a game or read something on my app, but instead, my mind drifted.

I felt a chill run down my spine when I thought of all that could’ve happened had I not come clean with him. The thing is, I never had any plans to. I’d been prepared to give Rene what she wanted and made myself scarce even though it would’ve killed me to. Now I’m so glad he bought us that champagne to celebrate my birthday.


When Rene called me while at school packing to come home for my birthday, which always lands around the first week of winter break, I was a bit surprised. She’s not in the habit of calling, not even sure how she got my number, and it had been quite some time since we’d spoken. I should’ve known what she was after when the call came so close to my birthday and our out-of-town trip, Garrick and I, but I was not expecting what she had to say.

She started off asking how long I planned to be selfish, then told me Garrick and she were getting married, and they needed this time so close to the holidays to work on their wedding plans for the coming year as they’re both busy individuals. When she said that Garrick hated these trips and only did it as he still saw me as the sad little orphan he’d picked up like a stray; I was hurt.

She finally ended by telling me that if I had any decency, I’d tell Garrick I didn’t want to go, and she also let it be known that after the wedding, I would no longer be a part of their lives, that they’d both discussed it and he wanted me gone. I’d gone back to bed and pulled the covers over my head to hide from the rest of my life. When Garrick called a few days later to ask me how my packing was going, I was a bit confused but believed her that he was just playing along for my sake.

Tags: Jordan Silver Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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