Rebound (Passion 2) - Page 2

Therein lay the problem, how can I ever trust anyone again? I’m hardly nineteen years old and I’ve been dealt a blow I’m not sure many could recover from, or at least that’s the way I feel about it. I feel unmanned, like everything I ever thought about myself was a damn lie. I use to think I was strong; I knew what was important in life and at the head of that list was family. Then I’d let my family down, most importantly my little brother who was like one of my limbs. The bond we shared was not something I could easily explain, and when the girl I’d been in love with for three years had hurt him it had done something awful to the person I once was. She’d fucking gutted me, the psychotic freak.

I can't believe I wasted three years on her ass. That's the thing that fucks with my head more than anything else; that I was such a sap, a blind fool. My little brother is very happy these days though so that's something; she hadn’t achieved what she’d set out to do. Had she been able to carry out her plans I might be the one sitting in a jail cell for committing murder. She never understood no matter how many times I told her. My brother is my heart no one is allowed to fuck with him. Not even the woman I loved or thought I did.

Joshua is special in more ways than one. Since the day mom brought the little shit home from the hospital when I was little more than a baby myself, I’ve always seen myself as his protector. When we grew older and everyone realized how different he was it got even worst. Because of his intelligence other kids thought he was an easy target. They thought he was a nerd or some shit, one of those supposedly weak beings that they could just pick on at will. I spent my whole life standing between him and them. I knew the truth of course; we trained together after all. But as his older brother I still saw it as my job to protect. I’d taken that duty very seriously our whole lives. And then I’d brought someone into our world that had tried to destroy him. Was it any wonder I was finding it hard to deal with this shit?

He and his new bride are always smiling and happy it seems these days now that the whole mess is behind us. I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people so fucking happy to be getting on each other’s nerves. Even their fights are kinda loving if that shit even makes sense. And since she got her hooks into him I'm not so worried about him becoming a master criminal any more. These days the intense little fuck spends most of his time behind closed doors with his young bride instead of getting into shit. It’s funny that I was the one with a steady girl all through high school while Josh played the field, now he’s the one settled down.

Married as a teenager damn. If anyone could make it work it would be him though, he's always been that way. He knows what he wants and can be very tenacious about getting it. His wife is his carbon copy; I guess that's why they’d had their rough patches in the beginning, too much a fucking like. I’m not jealous of what they have, I’m happy for my brother. But what they share only makes me see what a mockery my relationship with the viper had been. Just makes it harder to accept that I’d wasted so much time for nothing.

Come on Matt, you’ve got to pull yourself out of this funk; you’re acting like a bitch. So what she turned out to be an evil troll? That’s not your fault there was no way for you to know since she kept that shit well hidden. No one knew she was capable of the things she did. Telling myself the same thing day in and day out didn’t seem to be doing the trick. Somehow I was still always left with a feeling of ineptitude. I hung my head again as the weight of my thoughts threatened to drag me under.

Chapter 2

"What are you thinking about so hard over here bro?" The little fuck sneaked up on me as I’m sitting here alone, which was about all I do these days; hide away from everyone and everything. I have no interest in anything anymore. Maybe one day that will change but right now I don’t give a fuck about shit. They’ve been leaving me alone thus far but I guess Joshua has decided I’ve had enough time to lick my wounds.

Tags: Jordan Silver Passion Erotic
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