Claiming His Wedding Night - Page 38

‘You did?’

Knots were forming in her stomach. Was that true? Had he really arranged this trip for her? Trying not to read anything into his words, she swallowed down the bubble of happiness rising in her throat and gave him a small, uncertain smile.

He smiled back at her. ‘You seem a little surprised.’

‘Yes—I mean, no!’ She bit her lip. ‘It’s just that I didn’t—you don’t—I thought—’ She took a breath. ‘That’s very considerate of you,’ she finished, her voice trailing off as he stared at her assessingly, his gaze seeming to reach inside her in a way that made her nerves dance into life.

‘Considerate...’ Fingers tightening around hers, he turned the word over in his mouth as though tasting it. ‘Is that what I am? And there I was, thinking I was being romantic.’ He spoke teasingly but there was an intensity to his expression she didn’t understand.

Addie felt her face still. Romantic! Once that had been her dream. And for a short time she had even believed it was possible. That Malachi was capable of loving her and of expressing that love. Now, with his hair falling across his forehead and those smoky eyes fixed on her face, it was tempting to believe there was some truth behind his teasing words. But of course there wasn’t. Her face tightened. No matter how poetic his language the only hearts he was interested in were those on the front of playing cards.

She lifted her chin. ‘I would swoon, only it’s difficult when you’re sitting down.’

His eyes narrowed, or maybe it was the sunlight playing tricks, for the next moment his face was smooth and untroubled and smiling. He said slowly, ‘I’ll just have to think of another way to sweep you off your feet.’

For a moment she could think of nothing to say. Could think only of how it felt to be the focus of his attention. To feel his smile and hear his laughter. It was like the summer sun after a stormy spring.

She took a quick breath. Now who was being poetic?

Poetry was far from her mind twenty minutes later as she stood in the bedroom of the submarine’s master suite. Instead, as a dizzying heat surged over her skin, she found herself thinking of the mind-blowing number of ways that she and Malachi could amuse themselves on a bed like that.

Feeling her insides tighten, she squeezed her thighs together, the muffled thud of her heart suddenly competing with the rhythmic throb of the engine.

‘You’re shaking.’ Malachi looked down at her, frowning. ‘Are you okay?’

‘I’m fine.’ Looking up, she gave him a quick, tight smile. ‘It’s probably too much adrenaline. I can’t believe this is happening. That I’m in an actual submarine. It doesn’t feel real.’

Malachi stared down at her face. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes dazed, and he felt his groin tighten. Almost half his life had been spent chasing the next thrill, the biggest risk, pushing boundaries—breaking rules. Yet nothing he’d done had felt as intoxicating as seeing her naked, unguarded excitement. Or knowing that he had made her feel like that.

His body stilled. A prickling heat was crawling over his skin. There was nothing between them but her dress and his shirt and shorts. He wanted her more than he had ever desired any woman and she wanted him. But he held himself back; it would happen...but when it did the time would be of her choosing.

‘Oh, it’s real, all right,’ he said lightly. Loosening his grip, he held out his hand. ‘Here. Let me prove it to you.’

Addie felt her stomach flip over as, handing her a small

black remote control, he gave her one of his devastating smiles.

‘See that button in the middle? The blue one? Press that.’

She pressed it. For a moment nothing happened, and then there was a whirring noise and the walls of the cabin started to move. Or rather they weren’t walls, she saw now, but huge blinds. As they rolled slowly upwards she took a step backwards, her mouth dropping open.

On the other side of the window was the bluest blue she had ever seen. Only it wasn’t just blue. It was white and gold and green and red. Stepping forward, she reached out and touched the glass with a hand that shook slightly. She had never seen colours like that. The coral was like a living rainbow. And everywhere there were fish of every shade and shape.

‘What do you think?’ Malachi was standing behind her.

She turned and shook her head. ‘It’s like another world,’ she whispered.

‘It’s our world!’

His arm brushed against her body as he pointed past her and through the glass. ‘See over there? That’s the wreck of the Creole Queen. The Captain came across her last month. She’s a three-master, sunk during a storm in 1785.’ He paused, his eyes roaming over her face. ‘If you like, we could go and check her out. You never know—we might find some treasure.’

She looked up at him, her eyes wide. ‘Is that possible?’

He grinned. ‘I can’t see why not. There are hundreds of wrecks out here. The odds are that some of them must have something of value on board.’

She nodded. ‘That’s true, I suppose.’ She looked up at him and smiled, wanting to tease. ‘But what happens if we do find some treasure? How do I know you won’t steal my share?’

‘How do I know you won’t steal mine?’ Slowly he ran a finger down her arm, making it impossible for her to concentrate.

Tags: Louise Fuller Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024