Block Shot (Hoops 2) - Page 51

I cross around the front of the car but, at the mention of Jared’s name, lean against the passenger side door and release an extended breath.


I go ten years and barely see the man, and now he’s behind every bush and around every corner. I do not need this. It’s bad enough I dreamed about him and had to guilt-fuck my boyfriend after. It’s bad enough I see him at my gym and at conferences and it just feels like everywhere lately. Now I’m expected to work with him and remain civil?

Remain faithful?

It’s a whisper, a warning from my subconscious. The same place harboring hot, dirty dreams about the man I should hate. The same place that quivers when he’s too close.

“I need distance,” I mumble.

“Huh?” Kenan’s confusion reaches me over the phone. “What’d you say? You still there, Banner?”

“Uh, yeah.” I push off the car door and enter the house through the garage. “Just getting home. I’ll coordinate with Foster.”

“Good. Let me know what you need from me.”

“And Kenan?” I place my bag on the marble counter and give him my full attention for the last few seconds. “Don’t worry about Bridget, okay?”

The silence on the other end is thick with his discomfort. A fiercely private man. A proud man whose name was dragged through the mud by a whore.

Yes, whore.

She cheated on this amazing, kind, marvelous man with his teammate, and the whole world pulled up a seat to watch his humiliation with 3-D glasses and popcorn.


From the moment I met Bridget, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I knew she was an opportunist. I questioned her character immediately. I come from a family where fidelity, loyalty is as important as love. Maybe even more. I’m not sure my father always loved my mother, but I know he never cheated on her.

“She’s not getting all your money,” I say firmly. “And she’s not getting sole custody. I have ideas. Let me work with your lawyers.”

Let me at her.

“Okay.” He releases a resigned sigh. “I’ll tell my lawyers they’ll hear from you.”

My clients know my integrity is unmatched, but right and wrong are the only boundaries I draw around my actions. I’ll do whatever it takes for them.

Killer with a heart.

Jared again. It’s like the universe keeps bumping me into him, even inside my own head.

“Hola.” Zo hugs me from behind just as Kenan and I disconnect.

“Hey, you.”

I lean back into the warm, comforting length of him. We’ve been best friends a lot longer than we’ve been lovers. Whatever this is percolating with Jared, I can’t let it come between Zo and me. I’ve always had Zo. We literally started in this business together. He launched us the day he chose a green, untried intern as his agent.

“Long day?” He brushes my hair aside and kisses behind my ear.

“Yeah.” I cross my fingers that he won’t ask about the meeting with Lowell. I know I can get him the max contract he deserves, but it will take time and it won’t be pretty. I need him to leave me alone and let me do my job without the pressure.

In the silence that follows my one-word response, I can almost hear him asking the question in his mind and then thinking better of it. After a moment, he briefly tightens his hands at my waist before letting go. He reaches into my bag and lifts my phone.

“See this?” He holds it in the air. “It’s off for the rest of the night.”

He powers it down and grabs my hand, leading me back to my bedroom.

Please don’t want sex.

Tags: Kennedy Ryan Hoops Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024