His Hart's Command (Nothing Special 6) - Page 14

“She’s a real beaut, Hart.”

Hart’s Adam’s apple bobbed, “You don’t have to call me by my last name. You can call me Ivan. If you want. You don’t have to, I’ll answer either way.”

“Okay then. Ivan.” Free liked that. “Did Syn’s partner, Furious, do the work on your bike?”

Hart’s hooded gaze roamed all over his face, “Yeah, him and his business partner, Doug. Their work is always flawless.” His tone had taken on a warmth that made him forget the heat of the evening. It made Free’s cock grow larger in his jeans. He wanted Hart whispering that sound along the rim of his ear.

If he kept up that line of thinking he’d no longer be able to hide his obvious want. Hart was so sexy leaning against that brick wall, enough to make Free want to advance on him until he was pressed tightly against him.

Now I gotta think of a question. “So, um. You probably been riding since you were young, huh? I’m not sure I can go from a scooter to something like this.” He pointed at Hart’s bike. “Is there somewhere I can take lessons? Or do you know someone that gives private instruction?”

“Not personally, but I can look into it.” Hart sounded breathless. His nostrils flared. The street lights reflected off the ivory skin on his bald head. Gosh. So big and beautiful.

“That’d be awesome.” Free nodded. Before he realized it he’d moved toward Hart. He left a gap between them, not wanting to cross a line he shouldn’t. But, he didn’t want Hart to leave there not knowing that he was interested. Hart’s hand went to his beard. Free had been staring so long he had to say something, “I really like your beard and how long it’s gotten.”

Hart shoved his hands into his pockets, ducking his head. “No shit? My wife hated my hair.”

Free cocked his head to the side. Not like your hair? What the hell? It might be one of his top twenty features he lusted over. When Free stared into Hart’s wide blue eyes he looked as if he wanted to melt into the brick wall and disappear.

“Ex! Ex-wife. I didn’t mean to…”

Free laughed lightly. “It’s okay. I know you were married. How long were y’all together?”

“Since my first year of college.” Hart appeared uncomfortable as hell.

“She wasn’t one for body hair, huh?” Free tried to keep the conversation easy, and also show he wasn’t afraid that Hart had a past and there was an ex in the equation. Hart didn’t have to conceal any part of himself. “She must’ve been insane. Did she have sensitive skin? Or a rare hair phobia? Was she attacked by a woolly mammoth in her dreams and forever traumatized by hair? I mean help me understand here.”

Hart’s robust laugh was exactly what he wanted to hear. “No, um. None of those things, I don’t think.”

“Oh, okay. Because I happen to find hair on a man very sexy. It might be what I love the most. The more hair the better.” Free said it as nonchalantly as he could, but talking like that had him struggling to keep his breathing even. “I know you get your fair share of compliments all the time.”

“Actually, no.” Hart hurried to correct him. He scuffed his large boot along the cracked asphalt, his deep voice sounding more gravelly the quieter he tried to speak, “Do you get tired of old hound dogs chasing after ya?”

Free did get date requests, but he was only hoping for one mature bear to ask him out, and he’d yet to receive it. He heard men’s voices around the front of the building. Their time was coming to an end. That hadn’t been near enough. But, it was now or never. Free took a step closer. He lowered his voice, “Getting hit on is actually kind of nice when it’s from an admirer you like.”

Hart didn’t open his mouth to respond, but his mannerisms spoke volumes. When he licked his bottom lip, his beard brushed his collarbone. His chest rose and fell rapidly the closer Free got. Hart’s jaw was set so tight, as if he were battling with the words on his tongue. Man, he hoped Hart loosened up soon, but he was going to give him as much time as he needed. He wasn’t going anywhere.

Tech sat inside his truck waiting patiently for him. There was nothing more Free could do with the parking lot filling up with officers. He had a feeling Hart would appreciate a little discretion for now.

“Good night, Ivan. Hope I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” Free turned and slowly walked across the lot, hoping that Hart was staring after him.

Damn, if only he could’ve stayed to watch Hart straddle that powerful machine and rev the Twin Cam motor loud enough to make all heads turn in his direction.

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance
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