Nothing Special V (Nothing Special 5) - Page 131

“It’s the G-Man!” He heard one of the guys yell.

Curtis looked up to see Genesis standing in the door of the game room, wearing light blue jeans and a green collared shirt that molded wonderfully to his thick chest and made his already stimulating green eyes appear even brighter. He looked like a ray of sunshine, his smile full and cheerful. Curtis let several of the high school football players crowd around Genesis while he stood back and watched. His partner was always a huge hit wherever they went. It was rare that there wasn’t at least one guy that recognized him.

“Do you think you can toss the ball with us soon?” Jamal asked, giving Genesis an enthusiastic handshake and shoulder bump.

“I’m sure I can do that a few days this week,” Genesis agreed.

There was a loud round of cheering from all the students, even the young girls grinning and making sweet eyes at the guys. No doubt, they’d be out there watching and cheering on the fellas while they played with a professional.

“Hey, what’s all the noise? Settle down!” Charles bellowed, coming through the doors with an angry expression… that is until the crowd parted and Charles noticed Genesis standing there.

“You’re Genesis Godfrey,” Charles said stupidly. “What are you doing here?”

“He’s obviously here to see his boyfriend, duh,” one of the girls said.

“What?” Charles frowned. “Who?”

“Curtis, dummy. G-Man is his boyfriend.”

“Sharice, be respectful,” Curtis said with little heat. He didn’t want his boss to discipline her for name-calling.

Curtis was surprised when Genesis’ smile widened and he went and introduced himself to his boss like he was his favorite person in the world.


“How you doing? I don’t think we’ve had the opportunity to officially meet. I’m Genesis, Curtis’ partner, but you can call me Gen.” Genesis put on his best camera-ready smile, not wanting anyone to see his disgust for this man. And it wasn’t just his shifty eyes that Genesis didn’t like, either. Nothing about the man screamed good. When he thought about Curtis’ solemn mood last night, this wasn’t a man Genesis wanted to ever see again, nor did he want his boyfriend to.

“I know who you are. I was a huge fan when you played for Georgia,” Charles said, shaking Genesis’ hand enthusiastically. “I thought for sure you were going to the NFL, but boy did you really shock the sports world when you turned it all down.”

“Curtis is more important to me than anything. Certainly more than a multimillion-dollar contract.” Genesis’ smile was fading as he spoke; he wanted this man to know the depth of his love and feelings for the man he’d been mistreating for months.

A few of the guys behind Genesis teased Curtis with mocking, cooing noises, and the girls were swooning at his admission. Charles however, looked confused, but nodded anyway, his laugh taking on a trace of nervousness. He cleared his throat before he spoke again. “I can’t believe I didn’t know you were his… his….”

“Partner,” Genesis filled in again.

“Yes. Right. Ya know, if you’re not too busy, I’d love to get an autograph. It’s been a year since you left Georgia, but they still mention your stats and compare the current players to you.”

Genesis barely refrained from glowering, needing to keep up appearances around the young people. “Oh, absolutely.” Genesis turned to look at Curtis, who was watching with a slightly disappointed expression. “Baby, would you mind going out to the car and getting one of the footballs from the trunk? I think I got a couple back there, so I can sign it for your boss.”

“I only have a little time for lunch,” Curtis said, his eyes trying to convey a message to Genesis. A message that said, “Don’t give that piece of shit anything.”

“Oh, take an extra hour.” Charles waved at Curtis like he was always so generous.

Genesis clamped Charles on his shoulder, turning him back towards the door. “Awesome! Thanks, man. Come on, Curtis. We got plenty of time.” Genesis began walking towards the front with Charles, Curtis brushing past them. Genesis could read that body language and knew his boyfriend was annoyed with him.

“How about we talk a little football while Curtis fetches that ball for us,” Charles suggested with a laugh.

Genesis’ steps faltered right along with Curtis’, but he recovered quickly. Curtis looked hurt and taken aback but oh, Genesis couldn’t wait to get that asshole alone. Curtis barreled through the double doors and out into the parking lot. Genesis had parked in the last space, all the way to the back, so he’d have enough time.

“My office is right here, G-Man,” Charles said, turning into the last door on the right.

As soon as Genesis was inside, he slammed the door shut and grabbed Charles by his collar, throwing him back against it and shoving his forearm over his throat to keep him from yelling. Genesis hated violence, loathed it, but his brother had taught him how to use his bulk to his advantage if he had to, and right now, he wasn’t afraid to use it for Curtis.

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024