Nothing Special V (Nothing Special 5) - Page 81

Running at a break-neck speed, Tech locked his fist and bent his arm at the perfect angle. Using his momentum, he sidestepped at the last second and threw his arm up to catch the first guy in a devastating clothesline, knocking him to the ground. Before he could do anything else, the second guy was on him, slamming into his midsection, trying to mow him over. The man’s weight was powerful and he wasn’t afraid to use it. Tech dug his heels in and bowed over the man’s shoulder as he was shoved back against the dumpsters, but he held tight, refusing to go down. The sirens were deafening behind him, but Tech could hear the man in his grasp growling with anger. Tech brought his knee up and crashed it into the larger man’s midsection. He knew it wouldn’t be enough. The guy was thick, maybe six one or six two and full of muscle. Like the kind you got from pumping iron in the prison yard. Damn, why’d he pick this big sonofabitch to showcase his skills on? His back was to the brick wall, trapped by this wild animal. Fighting not to let fear cloud his training, Tech ducked a wild punch that he knew was coming, balled his right fist and used his entire right side to put as much force into the blow as he could, striking the man in his ribs. The hit was good, but still not enough. Another right hook came at his face – a hit that would’ve rung his bell – but Tech shot his left forearm up and blocked it while he reached with his other, grabbing at a beer bottle in the trashcan next to him. He reared to the side and slammed the thick end of the bottle directly over the bridge of the man’s nose, hitting him where he knew it’d cause the most damage. Thick shards of tinted glass shattered around them as the man clutched his nose, stumbling back in pain. His eyes shut tight, blood flooding his palms. The first guy Tech hooked was back on his feet, looking up and down the alley, trying to figure out which was the best way to run when he was tackled by a man flying through the air. Tech blinked, recognizing Steele’s jacket as they rolled several feet from where he stood. Busted nose took off dazedly in the other direction but ran right into another fist to the face. Ruxs’ punch had to have permanently rearranged the guy’s nose. If it didn’t, Green slamming him to the ground face first certainly did.

Steele already had his guy under control, but Syn and God assisted him, anyway. That’s when it finally hit Tech what he’d just done. His chest was heaving hard and fast and his stomach felt like it’d been hit with a two-by-four from that huge bastard slamming his shoulder into his solar plexus. Still, Tech stood up tall. Day was in front of him, a look of concern on his lieutenant’s face while he looked Tech up and down. As soon as Day realized he was alright, there was that shit eating grin of his.

“God is going to kill you, but holy shit. I don’t know where that came from, Tech… but… but, holy shit. When Syn said you wanted to go in the field, God and I were hesitant. But you knocked that guy on his ass and then went right for the next one without missing a step. You looked like one of my Enforcers out there, Tech.” Day smiled, clamping Tech on his shoulder and pulling him away from the trash. “I can’t save you from the beating you and Steele got coming, bro. But, good job, Tech. Damn good job.”

Tech didn’t look directly at God as they watched the uniformed officers Mirandize their suspects and load them into squad cars. The cool night air did nothing to quench the heated glare his boss was firing at him. He knew he was going to get it when they all got back to the office, but he’d take it. The compliment Day just gave him was worth any wrath God leveled on him. Tech had waited years for a compliment like that and he didn’t think anything could ruin it. What a way to end a date.

“You two must’ve fucked each other’s brains out because I’ve never seen either of you act this goddamn stupid!” God fumed at them. His green eyes were bright and blazing down at them while Tech and Steele sat side-by-side at the large conference table. Their boss paced angrily in front of them, Day sitting on the edge of the table looking sad for them, but not daring to interrupt God’s tirade, as Syn sat in the chair on the other side, his hands steepled in front of him.

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance
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