Shattered Prince - Page 10

“I take it you finally replied to Capri,” I said, tilting my head.

“Yes, well, Capri was very, ah, insistent. If I’m honest with you, Carmine, I didn’t want to take this meeting.”

I frowned and took a breath to keep my annoyance under control. “Then why did you show up?”

“Because I’m curious.” He took another sip and watched me. “You’re unproven. Your father was a good man and a ruthless leader. My father respected him and so did I. But you’re an unknown.”

“You met Cap. You know Mal.”

“I know of Mal. I saw him once, from a distant. Big man. Very scary.” Maxim didn’t seem scared. He seemed bored. “But that doesn’t mean I can trust you.”

That word again. Trust.

I lived in a world full of killers, backstabbers, thieves, and psychopaths. And yet everyone talked about trust.

Trust was a risk. There was no guarantee. There never was. Trust was about making a choice and sticking with it, despite the long odds.

I trusted where possible. But I also made back-up plans, just in case.

“I came out here because I think our families would be stronger if we worked together,” I said, speaking quietly so the business freaks didn’t overhear. “With my cartel connections and your distribution methods, I think we could make serious inroads all over the state.”

Maxim’s eyebrows rose. “You’re thinking about expanding before you’ve even taken control of your home city?”

“Balestra’s hurt. I killed some of his top captains, and I’ve been chipping away at his territory for months.”

“And yet I hear he’d been pushing back recently.” Maxim cocked his head and frowned. “Are the rumors true? Is Balestra going on the offensive?”

I ground my teeth together. “Not entirely. He made one attack but he’d been quiet since. I’m handling it.”

“I’m sure you are.” Maxim sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Carmine, look. I wish I could help you. I like Capri and I’m happy she found someone that makes her happy. But my first priority is always my family.”

“I understand,” I said. “Mine is as well.”

“Then you’ll understand when I politely decline to get involved.”

I sat up straight, trying not to get angry. “I came all the way out here. You could at least listen to my pitch.”

Maxim shook his head. “I met with you out of respect, and I’m being up front out of that same respect. We will not work with you. But we also won’t work with your adversary Mauro Balestra.”

I hesitated. My jaw relaxed ever so slightly. “I thought your father was working on an alliance with him.”

“That was before. When everything happened with Capri, I convinced my father to walk away.”

I relaxed my posture. If I couldn’t work with Maxim and his family, then at least I could keep Balestra from making the connection. It wasn’t an ideal outcome, but it was one I could accept.

“All right then. I appreciate you being direct, Maxim. And if you change your mind, you know how to contact me.”

“Through Capri Balestra.” He grinned at me. “What’s her name going to be when she marries Mal, by the way?”

I shook my head. “I have no clue.”

“You don’t know your best friend’s last name?”

“I doubt he even knows. I suspect they’ll remain Balestra. Hell, maybe I’ll let them take the Falsone name. Might be fitting.”

He nodded thoughtfully. “That would be fitting.”

“I appreciate your time, Maxim.”

I stood up and offered him my hand. We shook again, but he didn’t release right away.

“One more thing.” He glanced around him as if he was making sure we weren’t being spied on. He moved closer and dropped his voice. “Word’s out that Balestra’s working with a new group. When my father gave up on their alliance, Balestra went looking for someone else, and I believe he found them. I think that attack a couple weeks back was the start of their friendship.”

“Who?” I asked, pulse racing. I didn’t know Balestra found a new ally. That slippery bastard.

“Polish gang. They call themselves the Smierc Gang. I think it’s Polish for death.” He rolled his eyes. “Very dramatic. But they’re good.”

“Where can I find them?”

“They’re nomadic. Biker gang. They’ve been doing business in the small cities and towns and all across the desert for years. Their leader is a man named Cezary. I warn you, be careful with them.”

“Thank you, Maxim. I’ll look into this.”

He released me and paused to finish his coffee. “Tell Capri I said hello and congratulations. And please, stop calling.” He nodded and walked off. I watched him go with a knot in my gut.

The Smierc Gang. I’d never heard of them or their leader Cezary, but if Balestra had allied himself with them and Maxim said they were strong, I needed to be careful.

I hurried out of the building and back to the airport.

Chapter 5


The University of Texas at San Antonio’s campus was surprisingly big for a satellite school. People filtered all around wearing backpacks and talking in groups. I watched them flit past like fish in an aquarium, and I wondered when I’d find my own friend group.

Tags: B.B. Hamel Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024