Fatal Attraction (Dark Desires 4) - Page 174

“Yes, you have my personal guarantee—my word—that after the deal is done, there will be no move on the part of Price Bean & Whitlock, or the board, to ouster Allen Benson as CEO or move the company offshore. That’s never even been discussed.”

“So, manufacturing will remain in New York,” I said. “And Allen will remain as CEO.”

“Like I said, the job is his as long as he wants it,” he said. “Although, I have gotten the feeling on occasion that Allen might be getting tired of the grind of running the company. Does he have any intention of leaving after the deal is done?”

I thought about Uncle Allen’s cancer and his desire to slow down and enjoy the life he had left. I wondered if Conner knew about it, or was he just fishing? I said, “I’m not sure that’s the case. Uncle Allen is dedicated to Benson Digital, and everyone involved.”

“Let me ask you a question, then,” he said. “Is everything okay with Allen? Healthwise, I mean?”

“Why would you ask that?”

“I’m aware of his history with cancer,” Conner said. “I’m just wondering if it’s back. Or if there are other health concerns. If there are, we need to know about it.”

“Would that affect the deal?” I asked.

He shook his head slowly. “Not necessarily, but it might affect his ability to lead the company. If we’re going to need to conduct a CEO search, the sooner we know that the better.”

“I’m sure that if Allen thought his health was going to have a negative effect on the company, he’d let you know.” I tried not to wince at the bad taste the lie left in my mouth. The truth was, Uncle Allen probably would have to step down sooner rather than later, whether the sale went through or not. Everyone involved knew that the company was worth much more with Allen Benson at the helm. I hated to deceive Conner, but Allen needed this deal to happen soon. He was my client. And he was family. My loyalty was with him.

“Well, Allen seems like an honest man,” Conner said. “And as his representative, I expect you to be honest, as well.”

“You have my word that there is nothing wrong with Allen Benson that will hurt this company in any way. He is as dedicated as the first day he opened the doors. He would never do anything to harm the company, its employees, customers, or investors.”

“Then neither of us

has anything to worry about,” he said.

I hated to lie to him, but I had no choice.

I pushed the folder away and said, “Then I guess we have a deal.”

“Excellent!” he said. He gave me a big smile and held out his hands. “Now, how about a little fun?”

Chapter 18: Katie

“Well, I promised Uncle Allen that I would call him as soon as I had news,” I said with a satisfied smile. I picked up the folder containing the contract and held it up before putting it back into my briefcase. “Just to be clear, we are good to proceed with the scheduled closing of the deal next week. Friday at noon, Price Bean & Whitlock will execute the purchase of Benson Digital as outlined herein.”

“Goodness, you sound like such a lawyer,” he said with a playful frown. He sat back with his fingers laced behind his head and smiled. “Yes, ma’am, I believe we have an accord. We have dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s. The deal is good to go. This time next week Price Bean & Whitlock will be the majority owner of Benson Digital. And Allen Benson will be set for life.”

There was something in the way he said it that made a tiny red flag in my head wave, but I dismissed it. He was a hard-assed business man. I’d been around his kind a lot since coming to New York City. To him, it was all a game, a competition. Even when the deal was win/win, in his head, he had to come out on top.

I forced a smile and slid the folder into my briefcase, then picked up from my phone. “Okay, awesome. I need some privacy.”

“Sure, you can use my study.” He got out of the chair and came around the table with his arm out. “Madam.”

“You have a study?” I asked as I looped my arm through his. “How quaint.”

“Ah, don’t be too impressed,” he said, bumping me with his shoulder. “It came with the house. I’m going to turn it into a game room. Pinball, a pool table, video games, a virtual reality station.”

“You’re such a guy,” I said with a smile. “Aren’t you supposed to grunt like a caveman?”

“Oh, I’ll be doing that later tonight,” he said, growling the words. “Will you be my cave woman?” I felt the crotch of my panties getting warm and wet even as the words left his lips.

“Just don’t drag me around by my hair,” I said playfully.

“Can I pull your hair from behind?”

“You can pull it, but don’t drag me by it.”

Tags: Mia Ford Dark Desires Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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