Ignite My Passion (The Vegas Men 3) - Page 11

“Fine, whatever but for Saturday night. I can’t have a date on a work night.”

“You’re a workaholic. Every night for you in a work night.” I flash him an angry glare to which he holds his hands up in a surrendering gesture. “But a Saturday night, of course. That’s absolutely fine.”

“I don’t know why everyone keeps calling me a workaholic at the moment, just because I’m dedicated.”

“No, I’m dedicated. You never stop. That’s the difference. For me, it’s a career, for you it is life.”

Hmm, maybe there’s something to that, not that I’ll admit it aloud, but I don’t know if I can change…



I sit in Zane’s waiting room tapping my hand anxiously against my leg. My feet won’t stop moving either. I’m like a fidgety child who can’t sit still. I’ve pretty much been this way ever since Zane text me yesterday to meet him. He blew up a normal Wednesday afternoon and made me a jittery mess ever since.

I guess the only good thing to come from it is that Jeremy’s temper didn’t trouble me last night at all. I was too busy getting worked up about what today will bring. It separated me from reality.

I glance down at my outfit, again wondering if it’s the right thing to wear. I feel weird in the expensive blouse and the tight black pencil skirt bought by my husband. Especially when I’m here trying to divorce him. This is weird, I wish I had some of my ratty high street stuff to wear, I would feel much more comfortable.

“Okay, it’s two thirty,” his stunning looking secretary calls out to me. “You can go right in.”

I rise to my feet, my knees knocking together with nervous anticipation, but somehow, I work my way through the anxiety and keep walking forwards. I can’t just walk in though, I must knock first.

“Come in.” His chocolaty smooth voice runs right through me, affecting me too deeply. I push the door open and visibly shiver as he breaks out into a beautiful wide smile, one that lights up the entire room. When he grins, it seems to be just for me, which makes me feel incredibly special. “Ah, Nova, it’s good to see you again.”

He clamps his hands together and waits for me to take my seat. Nerves zigzag through me as I tuck my skirt underneath me and sit down. His gaze is intense, it runs deeply through my system. But it doesn’t make me feel small and stupid, the way Jeremy’s does. It strangely builds me up. It’s almost like he really sees me.

“So, Nova, I have some things to tell you that you might not like.”

My spine stiffens, I straighten up and stare at him. “I thought this might happen.”

“How much do you know? About his business, I mean.”

Uh oh, this doesn’t sound good. “I don’t know anything. I never tried to learn.”

“Okay, well maybe that’s a good thing. Perhaps it’s good that you aren’t in it.”

“Why? What is he up to? Is he into something bad?”

“I don’t know the full details, but there is something criminal going on.”

“Criminal?” I never suspected that. “Are you sure? I can’t imagine that.”

“You know he isn’t a good guy, right? You already understand that, so, why is this such a big stretch?”

I part my lips, ready to shoot back an answer, but I don’t have one. He’s right. I don’t really have any reason to believe that Jeremy wouldn’t be into all this terrible stuff. Maybe he is a criminal…

“Okay.” I eventually gulp and try to calm myself down. “So, what do we do now?”

“If you want me to pursue that route, I can get as much evidence as I need.”

“How will that help me? If Jeremy is a criminal?”

“He will have to give you the divorce that you need, and you will do well out of it.”

“I don’t want stuff,” I gasp, a little shocked. “I just want me out of this marriage.”

“I’m not trying to suggest that you’re a gold digger or anything, I just don’t want you to be left with nothing. You have given this man years of your life and you deserve to be stable afterward.”

Tags: Mia Ford The Vegas Men Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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