The Tycoon's Proposition - Page 74

The moment he stepped inside, it was like he’d gone back in time. The room had been transformed down to the temptress on the bed swathed in some flowing white creation right out of Pharaoh’s court. Her eyes, outlined in black, glowed like great blue jewels.

“Come here, my love.” She held out her arms to him. “I have a gift for you. Then we will embrace one last time before Pharaoh’s guards discover us.”

His wife was the most exciting woman he’d ever known, but tonight she’d outdone herself. He knew this was all playacting, but there was something mysterious and provocative about her right now.

It was almost as if she really were the wife of Pharaoh and he was the besotted guard who’d been forced to undergo live mummification for the crime of daring to love her.

“Orastes—” She beckoned him with unfeigned longing.

He joined her on the bed, wanting to crush her voluptuous red mouth beneath his. But she thrust a small package in his hands, preventing him from taking what was undeniably his.

“Open this quickly.”

Aroused by her witchery, his fingers were all thumbs as he removed the wrapping.

He blinked. After being caught up in the ancient past, it took him a moment to recognize the early pregnancy test device for what it was. There was a red line matching the other one.

Their eyes fused.

“Darling—” he cried before searching blindly for her mouth. Then they were clinging to each other as if it really were their last moment on earth.

“My love,” he whispered as he kissed her face and neck feverishly. “I’ve wanted this for so long.” He lifted his head so he could look into her eyes again. “I’m going to take such perfect care of you, nothing will happen to our child.”

Her eyes glistened with tears. “I know it won’t. You see, I’m already past my first trimester.”


She nodded. “I’m fifteen weeks pregnant already. The ship’s obstetrician doesn’t foresee any problems. That’s because I’m married to the most wonderful husband alive.”

“Terri— You kept this from me all this time?”

“Please don’t be hurt.”

“I’m not. I’m so happy, I think I’m in shock.”

“You never noticed certain changes?”

He flashed her a wicked smile. “Now that I think about it, yes.”

“You thought I’d been gaining weight.”

“In all the right places,” he murmured against her mouth before devouring it. “When I walked in here a few minutes ago, I thought I’d never seen you looking more beautiful.”

Her seductive eyes narrowed like a cat’s. “I’m the luckiest of women to be pregnant by my handsome husband. Quick now. Embrace me one more time. The guards are on their way up with a special dinner prepared by your favorite chef.”

“Now?” He groaned.

“I’m afraid so. Ship gossip tells me he’s made this fabulous cake for the new father-to-be. But don’t worry, darling.” She pulled him as close as she possibly could.

“After he leaves, destiny has decreed our love will go on, and on, and on, and on. If you don’t believe me, I know a certain video we can watch…”

Tags: Rebecca Winters Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024