First Love Only Love (The Life 2) - Page 3

The asshole that just left here should’ve taught her that, but he was too busy being a waste of spermatozoa. Nope, not giving him any more time in my headspace. I have to compartmentalize my strategy against the enemy, and it’s not quite his turn yet. First, I need to decimate the ones who had an active hand in messing with her, he for his part, will have to pay for being a negligent shit stain.

I went in search of Ma and Sheila, who was in the kitchen having their evening gabfest over cups of tea. “Oh, hi son, you doing, okay? What’s with that face? Who bothered you?”

“No one, question. Can Gianna have the suite across from mine?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“It needs to be made up.”

“Boy, what’s wrong with the way it looks now?” Sheila frowned like she knew I was about to put the two of them to work.

“It’s not girly enough. I would ask her what she likes, but I doubt she even knows.” The room in question was hardly ever in use and was a bit plain by the standards of the other bedrooms in the house for that reason.

My family is weird. Lance has his own room here even though he lives five minutes away and has been allowed to choose his own bedding of all things. The room I chose for her is the closest to mine, but it also comes complete with an en suite bathroom and a view of the English garden, which is why I’d chosen it for her.

It hadn’t escaped my notice that the room I took her out of when I went to get her from her house was less than half the size of the smallest bedroom in mine and was bare of any of the crap the twins seem to find delight in. There were no frills, no pretty collection of things lying about, just a bed and one lone dresser if I remember.

From what I’ve seen so far, there’s no way she’s not a girly girl. I bet if I had a look at Victoria’s room, it would be full of the things teenage girls like to have around. It still boggles my mind that Fontane didn’t notice any of this before. How could that be? How could anyone, man or woman, be that disinterested in their own flesh and blood? Just thinking about the shit was pissing me off all over again but knowing what I had coming their way helped soothe the beast.

“Come on, Sheila, let’s go have a look. I think that gold and cream damask bedding set would go very nice in there, and we have the towels to match; I’ve been dying to use those.”

“Lady, you have staff to take care of that crap.”

“Yes, but I think Gabe would prefer that we do it.”

“Thanks, Ma, thanks, Sheila.”

“You’re lucky I like that kid or else. I would ask what you and your sisters are up to, but your mother and I have decided it would be more fun to watch. If you need me to thump anybody upside the head in the meantime, I’m right here.”

“Don’t put those thoughts in the boy’s head. Come on, let’s go get the room ready, the kids have school in the morning, and it’s almost time for bed.” Sheila grudgingly left her praline cheesecake, bitching all the way, but I knew it was all in good fun. She was getting as much of a kick out of this whole thing as the twins were, and I didn’t doubt for a second that the offer was legit. You can take a girl out of New York, but you can’t take the city out of the girl.

I left the kitchen and headed to the study, where I was sure to find Pop. It looks like Fontane still has his head up his ass, and I know just how to yank it out. “Pop, did you look into that thing I told you about?”

“Which thing?”

“The car.”

“Oh yeah, I sent out the lure, just waiting for a nibble.”

“You remembered to use the alias, right.”

“Of course, don’t worry, I offered a deal only a fool would refuse.”

“She is that, but let’s hope she’s a greedy one.” With that out of the way, I went to get Gia so she could wind down before bed. Tomorrow is going to be a big day; some would even say the beginning of her new life. I need everything to go off without a hitch. I already have her outfit picked out in my head from among the many I’d bought her, could practically see the outcome of my first volley.


“Mom, what the hell?” I walked over to where she laid passed out on the floor and tapped her cheek a couple of times until she stirred. “What happened?”

Tags: Jordan Silver The Life Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024