Beautiful Mistakes - Page 198

"Are you going to give yourself a discount?" she asked teasingly.

"Of course; why do you think I brought you here?"

The hostess turned around and led them over to a booth in the back right corner with brand new burgundy seats and a lit candle in the center of the table. Julie scooted in and looked around, taking in the ambiance of the restaurant.

Aaron caught her glance and confirmed her thoughts by saying, "That is where people wait to be seated. When the place is actually open, there's going to be a tray with glasses on each table for anyone who might be thirsty. There will also be menus available for anyone who wants to get a head start."

Smiling, she said, "This place is really nice."

The whole restaurant was nice—nicer than any she had been to. The hardwood floors were new and shiny, all of the seats were lavish and inviting. The walls were the same wood as the floor, but there were paintings and plants hanging on each side, and the wall at the very back of the restaurant were covered completely in mirrors, except for two doors, one marked "ladies" and one marked "gentlemen."

"You like it?" he asked, pulling her from her appraisal.

"Like it? I love it—it's amazing."

He handed her a menu, which she realized she had forgotten to take from the blonde. Looking up at the girl, she said, "Oh, sorry."

The young woman just smiled. "No problem. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Just water for me," Julie said.

"Iced tea for me, Kelsie. Thank you," replied Aaron.

Smiling at him across the table, Julie said, "Thank you for bringing me here. This is completely perfect."

"The restaurant or the date?" he asked teasingly.

"Both. And you. Everything."

Leaning over, he placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I'm glad you think so."

"And thank you for getting me Poppy Seed the bear."

Shrugging, he said, "Technically he's not for you."

"Thank you anyway," she said. "This date got off to a rough start, but it's definitely turning out to be the best date of my life."

"Wow, best date of your whole life. That's some date. Were all the other ones ice hockey games and community service gigs?"

"Yeah," she drawled. "And then there was that one surprise bungee jumping date…"

"I thought so," he said with a little smile, betraying the solemn tone he tried to keep.

"Next on my agenda, since you moved us into baby talk… I want to start stocking the baby's library. I've decided that each paycheck I get, I'm going to go to the bookstore and pick a quality piece of children's literature for Poppy Seed's first year. I want a wide variety, and I want to read to him or her at least twice a day."

"Agreed," he said with a nod. "I'll get a bookshelf as soon as we get this whole apartment issue settled."

Glancing up as Kelsie brought them their drinks, Julie said, "So… you still want to pursue that?"


"Completely disregarding my logical idea to wait and make sure you like dating me before we move in together officially?"


"And if I turn out to be a complete troll who has just been charming you thus far…?"

"I will build you a bridge to live under."

Tags: Sam Mariano Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024