Beautiful Mistakes - Page 99

"How was your trip?" Julie finally managed to ask.

"Fine," Emma remarked, not seeming at all eager to contribute to the conversation. "How is the first trimester treating you?"

No-nonsense—Julie could work with that. "Fine," Julie responded in turn.

A brief smile touched Emma's lips, but it never reached her eyes. "When I was pregnant with Anna I couldn't even think about food without getting sick."

"Actually, it hasn't been that bad," Julie said.

Emma nodded, then she sat up straight and looked at Julie across the table as if she had just decided what to do with her. "So, I'm sure that you're curious as to why I invited you out to lunch."

"A little curious," Julie admitted.

"Matt tells me that he didn't get anywhere with trying to get you to abort the pregnancy. Pro-lifer?" she assumed.

Shrugging, Julie said, "I’m not a fan of abortion as birth control, I don’t know that I would say that makes me a pro-lifer. I just don't feel it's the best option for me in my current situation."

"Right, your situation being an optimal environment to bring a child into," Emma said so calmly that Julie almost missed the sarcastic punch.

"Well, it's too late to reconsider now," Julie stated, glancing up as the waiter brought her glass of water and murmuring a thank you.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Emma stated. "I have a proposition for you."

Raising her eyebrows, Julie repeated, "A proposition?"

Nodding, Emma said, "I realize that these things happen—there's really no reason to be anything less than dignified in handling this situation; we are all mature adults, after all."

Julie offered a nod but nothing else, unsure of what Emma was getting at.

"I'm going to cut to the chase. You seem like a very sensible, very bright girl who could have a very promising future," she said, only the slightest emphasis on the word "could".

"I intend on having a promising future," Julie stated.

"And there's no reason you shouldn't," Emma agreed. "I think we've all concluded that your pregnancy was accidental—it wasn't a plot to get Matt or anything else for that matter. It was just a mistake. It happens. There's no reason that it should hold you back—in fact, if you're amenable, I believe that this could propel you forward in a way you wouldn't have previously thought possible."

"What's your proposition?" asked Julie, not altogether comfortable with Emma's schmoozing about her bright future.

"I want to adopt your child," Emma stated.

It was a good thing she hadn't been drinking anything, because she would have definitely choked.

"What?" she managed in disbelief.

Emma's face was impassive. "You heard me correctly. You can go to term with your pregnancy, and when you give birth Matt and I will assume the parental roles. Anna will have a little brother or sister, and you will be free to fulfill your absolute potential, your conscience completely clear."

Julie was sure that she should say something, but she couldn't formulate words.

"Of course the child will have the finest education in our care, he or she will want for nothing and most importantly he or she will have two parents and a stable home, something you cannot offer the child."

Again, her brain told her to speak, but the message didn't seem to make it to her mouth.

Emma went on, leaning forward, "Of course, this isn't all for the child. In addition to making the best choice for your child, there will be benefits to you as well. Matt tells me that you're an English major, correct?"

Julie nodded.

"I assume you're familiar with The Chicago Sun-Times?" Emma asked innocently.

Julie was immediately suspicious. "Yes, of course," she said cautiously.

Tags: Sam Mariano Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024