Trusting Sydney (The Temptation Saga 6) - Page 87

“We’re not so sure, Sis,” Blake said. “Sam and I have been talking, and it’s not completely out of the realm of reality that he might be involved in this.”

“He has no interest in Duke.”

“No, but he has an interest in you.”

“He’ll get over me. He doesn’t love me. He never did.”

“No, but he’s used to getting what he

wants, and for whatever reason, right now he wants you.”

“He’s not going to get me.”

“I know that, but it’s not only him. It’s his dad. His dad wanted the marriage. You saw him talking to me after your race, remember?”


“He knows about your parents. He told me they weren’t who they seemed to be. He offered me information on the condition I stay away from you.”

“Goddamn him!”

“Hold the phone. I told him to fuck off. But it’s clear now that he knows about your parents and their links to the criminal families. Do you think it’s possible he could have something to do with their disappearance?”

Sydney shook her head. “I doubt it.”

“Are you sure?”

“What would he have to gain by forcing them away? Me? I don’t think so. He knows about Duke, and he knows how much I love him.”

“Yes, but think about it. He could be trying to make things worse for us. He already knows you’ve lied to me twice.”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” Sydney rubbed her temples. Her brain was mush right about now. She didn’t want to think about Rod Kyle. Or her parents, for that matter. Their relationship would never be the same. She just wanted Duke.

How could she have made such a mistake? She’d given her little boy—her most precious thing on the planet—to her parents. She’d trusted them with him.

And now this.

“I think we need to contact Kyle,” Blake said. “Sam may be onto something.”

“Whatever you two think is best.” Sydney yawned. Her body needed sleep. Her brain needed sleep. But when she did sleep, it was fitful, fragmented with nightmares and horrific visions.

“I need to get back to the ranch,” Sam said.

“I should be going too,” Blake agreed. “It’s late, and we have a lot to do in the morning.”

“You guys aren’t really thinking about leaving me alone? Please don’t.” Fear, though she knew it irrational, coursed through Sydney’s veins.

“I need Kyle’s phone number,” Blake said.

“Look in my cell.” Sydney tossed it to him.

Blake fiddled with the phone and entered a number into his own. He tossed it to Sam. “You want it?”

Sam nodded. “I’m going to call him tonight, on the way home.”

Christ, he really is leaving me. “Please, Sam. Stay with me.”

“That’s my exit cue,” Blake said. “I don’t need to watch my little sister get it on.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024