Trusting Sydney (The Temptation Saga 6) - Page 70

She laughed and ruffled his hair. “It’s a deal.”

“I’ll walk you out,” Sam said.

“You don’t need to bother.”

“It’s no bother. The critter’ll be fine in here for a minute, won’t you?


He walked her to her car and took both hands in his. “I’m glad you came. Dessert was delicious. But”—he leaned in—“not half as delicious as you are.”

He pressed his mouth to hers in a soft kiss.

She parted her lips and the kiss deepened, but he pulled back. “I have to get back inside.”

“I know.”

“I’m glad you came.”

“Sam, I hope you know we will work this out somehow. My parents are not unreasonable people.”

He nodded. “I’ve given you a hard time. I don’t mean to. It’s just—”

She put her fingers to his mouth, silencing him. “Don’t. I understand. Good night.”

“Good night.”

He stood outside until she had backed out and was on her way down the winding road of the McCray Ranch, heading toward the county road.

She pulled out her cell phone and hit her mother’s number on speed dial. She’d be back at the hotel soon, but she wanted to check on Duke.

“What?” she said aloud.

Her heart sped up and her throat constricted. Nausea worked its way up her esophagus. Quickly she hit “end” and redialed, this time punching in the actual numbers.

Her tummy plummeted as she listened to the same message.

This number is no longer in service.

Chapter Fifteen

She pulled to the side of the road, frantic, and tried her father’s number.

Same message.

She gunned the engine and sped back to the hotel. She rushed in and stopped at the front desk. “Roy and Carrie Buchanan and their son—did they check out?”

The clerk checked his computer. “No, ma’am. They’re scheduled to be here six more days.”

Thank goodness.

Must be a glitch with one of the cellular towers in the area. She took the elevator up and walked to her room. She wanted to check on Duke, so she crossed the hall to her parents’ room and knocked.

No response.

She knocked louder. It was after ten o’clock. They couldn’t still be out with Duke, could they? After he’d been so sick just the night before?

She knocked again, this time nearly putting her fist through the door. “Mom, Dad.” She didn’t want to yell. It was late, and some of the other guests were no doubt in bed.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024