Trusting Sydney (The Temptation Saga 6) - Page 67

Childish laughter rang in the background.

“Well, then, I’d love to join you. But I was hoping I could cook you dinner.”

“I’m afraid Seanie has his heart set on Uncle Sam’s famous mac and cheese, but you could make dessert.”

“Perfect,” Sydney said. “I’ll pick up groceries on the way. What would you like?”

“Let’s ask the guest of honor. What would you like for dessert, bud?”

“Something chocolate!”

Sam laughed. “Did you hear that?”

“I sure did. I know just what to make. One of my specialties. I’ll be there in an hour.”

“Mac and cheese should be almost done by then.”

They hung up and Sydney headed to the grocery and purchased ingredients for chocolate mousse. It didn’t take long to make, and it could chill while they ate.

“Oops,” she said out loud. Chocolate mousse had raw eggs in it. Not the best for a five-year-old. Now what? She’d promised chocolate. She grabbed cocoa, eggs, sugar, and a pint of premium vanilla ice cream.

Flourless chocolate torte to the rescue. All she needed was a round cake pan. Hopefully the guest house had one. On second thought, she headed to the housewares section and grabbed a disposable foil pan just in case.

And off to Sam’s.

She found herself humming a lively tune as she drove, looking forward to spending time with Sam and his nephew. It would be almost like—

Almost like she and Sam making dinner for Duke—had she told him and had they decided to raise him together, of course.

She’d made what she thought was the best decision at the time. No use crying over spilled milk.

She arrived to a smiling Sean on the front stoop. He had hair like his mother and light blue eyes. A beautiful little boy, just like her Duke.

“Are you Sydney? Uncle Sam said you were coming.”

“Yes, I am. And you’re Sean. I remember you from your mom and dad’s party.”

“You’re pretty.”

“Why thank you.”

“Come on in.”

“Thank you very much.”

Sean led the way. “She’s here, Uncle Sam, and she’s pretty!”

Sam’s laugher rang from the kitchen. “Yes, she certainly is.”

“Mmm. It smells great in here. The savory aroma of cheddar cheese wafted to her nose.

“It’s almost ready.”

“Okay. I just need about ten minutes to whip up my dessert. It can bake while we eat.”

“Have at it. The kitchen is pretty well-stocked. Sean and I will stay out of your way.”

Sydney put together her flourless torte with ease and got it in the oven. By the time she was done, Sam was spooning out globs of piping hot mac and cheese onto plates.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024